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Reflections on the fourth year of the Iraq/Eastern Yoram war

Yoram Mizrachi - special to know and targeted coverage

At the beginning of the fourth year of the war in Iraq, which was supposed to be decided by a dictator armed with weapons of mass destruction and developed into an Iraqi defensive war against terrorism and guerrillas, it is difficult to avoid ironic comments, prompted by the theater of the absurd that the US entered with its eyes open and its thoughts dim.

More than one hundred and thirty thousand American military personnel, from all branches, including the Coast Guard, are currently stationed in Iraq. Thousands of American soldiers stationed in Kuwait and Bahrain, large naval units patrolling the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, with an anti-terror warfare base in Djibouti and thousands more marines sailing aboard special vessels, ready to intervene in the fighting. Airplanes armed with "smart bombs" carry out operational sorties not only from airports or aircraft carriers in the Gulf, but also go on missions from the United States, flying high above the Atlantic or Pacific oceans, with refueling in the air (B-52, B-2) all without To mention the contribution of the USA's partners, the members of the loose coalition

that their units participate in the campaign and, of course, about one hundred and sixty thousand "new" Iraqi soldiers, policemen and special forces personnel of the Ministry of the Interior who depend on the American logistical system and the generosity of Uncle Sam.

At the beginning of the fourth year of the war, a victory is depicted - a modern victory. Although the ousted tyrant participates in a tragic-comic show trial as a rapist, the army of the Ba'ath Party disintegrated only to be reshaped, as a panic initiative of the victors trapped in the country they released... Today

The "bombastic" statements made by the war planners and the commanders of the large garrison, which is actually besieged in its bases, restricted in its movements and often times demonstrates a shortage of hands that no high-profile show operation can hide, sound ridiculous. For example, "Operation Swarm" only two weeks ago was celebrated as "the largest air operation of the US Army since the Vietnam War" (for some reason they forgot the invasions of Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Afghanistan and other operations with ringing code names) most of the operations that came after the decision phase As you know, the enemy managed to capture a spirit. Even Osama bin Laden, whose elimination the US went to "the other war" in Afghanistan, governs the empire and whether he is alive or dead appears as the "resurrected champion" of international terrorism.

The guerilla and terrorist war in Iraq determines, by its very nature, a small war, time, place, scope of action and even the level of American-Iraqi response. The American public, which numbered 2325 of its citizens, expresses growing anger at the "commander-in-chief" who embarked on a war without any background knowledge and failed in his "democratic" mission to liberate the Iraqi nation, which in today's conditions is ready to compromise even on Saddam Hussein. This is how the government is looking for support and justification at home and in the world that is trying to impress. Reasons for the failure can be found in abundance, starting with the technical details of the lack of suitable armor for the individual or the vehicle, to the inadequacy of the American military, which for generations prepared to stop a Soviet or Chinese attack in the Cold War era and in Iraq fell into an uncompromising guerilla war. All these and more, important data for understanding the failure. The main cause of the assassination lies in the lack of understanding that characterizes the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department, mainly in the questions of "know the enemy" but also "know the friend". Today, there is no doubt that President Bush and his aides, who did to justify the Iraqi move, collected and spread false information, when apart from the failure- The intelligence was activated "the good and benevolent American boomerang" Avilit syndrome, which originates from the legends that Americans tell themselves about... themselves.

In the first months of the war, the phrase "the best in the world" was repeated countless times. The seniors of the National Guard, or the tired reservists and even regular infantry units, who until the occupation of Baghdad were portrayed as a collection of "Rambo teams" or an all-powerful "army of ninjas", proved to be It's all just not "Rambo" and not even John Wayne from Eden Rest. The gap between the wishes of the heart, expressed in culture - Hollywood or television, and the reality on the ground is deepening, and with it the national recognition that, in fact... "maybe we are good but certainly not the best in the world" is growing.

The price of maintaining a warring empire, with an army spread across all continents and seas, as a holdover from the Cold War, pays off today only in the economic-social aspect of maintaining the largest arms industry in the world. A subject that does not go well with chatter chasing peace and preaching democracy according to the White House and Dr. Condoleezza Rice.

As of these days, the question of stabilizing Iraqi democracy no longer has any meaning and surprisingly the American administration does not show a willingness to "bring the boys home and quickly" the question that needs to be asked is what the hell is going on in Washington?

There are commentators on international affairs who continue to adhere to the theory of "protecting the supply of fuel" There are expressions of messianic motives such as "spreading democracy" when only a few comment and in a media whisper, that the war is good for the economy. A quick look at the achievements of American industry at the beginning of the 21st century, its absorption around the world and the reactions of its technological rivals, for example in Russia, China, India, etc., reveals that most of the consumer and luxury goods required in the markets of the rich society are produced in China, or in Mexico and the third world that provides life-liquid to what the president George Bush recently described a "fuel-addicted society"... Venezuela or Brazil and Canada, for example, have more fuel and energy security than the American Empire and the Far East has a much greater industrial diversity than the USA. What remains then as a stable and central industry rich in research and development in the fields of "i-tech" is mainly the arms industry - the great puppet of the self-established American wonder, because of which they stopped producing TV receivers, or air conditioners, loosened protection for the American worker and these days are even fighting for... dignity of the American car, the symbol of the opulence of the past. Faced with this reality, the Americans continue to launch nuclear submarines, to refurbish aging nuclear submarines that, according to a decision from 2005, are not

They will leave the service and become "submarines - carrying special forces" launching warships of all shapes and sizes, developing plans for war in space and global anti-missile defense, revitalizing the production of ballistic missiles and their renovation in competition with Russia and above all: producing weapons for export and arming small or medium-sized countries with the best systems For example, principalities in the Persian Gulf, which compete with each other for the largest fleets of their F-16 aircraft, or the type of tanks they have purchased with zero parking spaces.

The truth is that the American defense industries and their adjuncts, for example the production of passenger planes, the heavy vehicle industries and the development of missiles of all kinds - are the blood that flows today in the veins of the American economy, which is controlled by the "multinationals", and if so - there is nothing better than a war with shots, which requires the possession The good boys are far from home and a situation continues in which every self-respecting concern participates in the hallelujah and enjoys its fruits.

The American plans in the areas of tomorrow's military development are already pushing Russia and China to present their own military-technological strength, when in the Chinese matter the irony is striking that without the transfer of production of consumer and luxury products to China and the infusion of billions of dollars every year - the Chinese military industry would not have been able to rise to heights from which it will be difficult to lower. The phenomenon also characterizes US relations with India, which these days is competing not only with its historical rival Pakistan, but for its rightful place as a rising empire. Everything is participating in the Indian or Chinese hinga, a place where even the small Israel succeeds in competing with the big ones and offering the Indians the development of a missile against a missile against a missile and again God forbid against a missile, all in accordance with the world of military industry, whose rate of development, in every country, scientific technological knowledge is related to what is happening in the leading military industry, which resides between the borders of Canada and Mexico.

All these and more, are nothing more than reflections on the margins of the beginning of the fourth year of the war. It is clear that it is possible to break down and analyze each figure, or subsection, to discuss them on their merits, but the proven reality beyond any doubt is that the Iraq war failed in the aspect known in Pentagon terms as the "long war" that came after the 2003 victory A campaign that will continue to be conducted as long as a cobweb array of world-wide economic itineraries is deployed in Washington, giant companies with no human interest but on the contrary - an interest in providing means to kill and kill, while demonstrating smart, super-modern weapons, used against martyrs in Iraq or mountain warriors in Afghanistan and the border areas Pakistani. The munitions industry has a woman like her, she didn't know since the days of the Vietnam War, but then it was possible to slow down the engine and rest, because in addition to helicopters and smart bombs (stupid in the terms of 2006), the empire also produced sewing machines, socks, underwear and everything that came to the supermarket stands. Today the situation is different. If they reduce the production of missiles "and smart weapons" they will find that there is no one to manufacture sewing teach that an empire can defeat itself. In the meantime... the White House-style American "export of democracy" continues for the most part, which, unfortunately for the human race, is accompanied by the growl of tomorrow's fighter jets.

For Yoram Mizrahi's blog on military and intelligence matters

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