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There is uranium on the moon

Analysis of the gamma ray spectrometer data of the Kaguya spacecraft helped scientists map the rare elements of the moon and found, among others, uranium, thorium, potassium, oxygen and more

Map of lunar resources according to the GRS instrument on the Kaguya spacecraft
Map of lunar resources according to the GRS instrument on the Kaguya spacecraft

Scientists using data from the gamma-ray spectrometer on the recently crashed Kagoya spacecraft on the moon concluded that they had found a signature of uranium, an element that had not been detected in all previous lunar mapping efforts. In addition to uranium, the spectrometer findings revealed clear signs of the existence of thorium, potassium, oxygen, magnesium, zinc, calcium, titanium and iron atoms.

"We received results that indicated the existence of uranium that had not been reported until now," said Robert Reedy, a senior scientist at the Institute of Planetary Sciences. "This time we received evidence of new foundations and confirmation of discoveries from the past."

Previous mappings by gamma ray spectrometers from the Apollo spacecraft to the Lunar Prospector mission have revealed some of the chemical elements found on the moon. However, the map prepared by Reedy and Kaguya's GRS team members, and which uses sensors made of germanium, expands the previous results and improves our understanding of the composition of the moon's surface.

Reedy and his colleagues used measurements from the GRS instrument on the Kagoya spacecraft to compile high-quality maps of as many elements as possible. Kaguya was launched in September 2007 and crashed on the lunar surface at the end of its mission on June 10 of this year (2009).

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10 תגובות

  1. It's pretty dumb to look for things like elements and all that on the moon. What will it help us in life to waste resources to bring here the resources from there and mine them before?! Like damn why???! Does anyone have an answer?

  2. What do you want to send a drilling spacecraft to take out the pine trees? We have not destroyed enough here, so we need to destroy more.

  3. If gold or diamonds were found there, it would seriously promote flights to the moon...
    As far as I know the most important thing they found there to date is Helium 3.

  4. It's better not.. there is enough trouble from the uranium that can be mined and used on Earth..

  5. It seems to me that otherwise they wouldn't have pointed it out, but I wonder why they didn't discover it until now?
    Maybe there was a tacit connection between Russia and the US, so it was a Japanese spaceship that "discovered" it?

  6. At the moment, the following elements are numerous enough to make it worth mining them??

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