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The end of the world has not come again: Comet Alanin passed at a distance of 35 million km from the Earth

"I don't know why they specifically chose my comet to threaten the public," says comet discoverer Leonid Yelenin in an interview with Universe Today. NASA says that there was never any fear that it was a doomsday comet. The comet, by the way, broke up about two weeks ago into small pieces 

Comet Alanin disintegrates, as photographed by its discoverer Leonid Alanin on October 6, 2011. Courtesy UNIVERSE TODAY
Comet Alanin disintegrates, as photographed by its discoverer Leonid Alanin on October 6, 2011. Courtesy UNIVERSE TODAY

The remains of Comet Alanin, the one that all kinds of crazy people decided was the Doomsday Comet, passed yesterday (16/10) at a perfectly safe distance of 35 million kilometers (for comparison, this is 90 times the distance to the Moon, about 80% of the closest distance to Venus or about 55 % of the closest distance to Mars).

The remains continue in the orbit of the comet, which was very small (its diameter, even in its entirety, was estimated at 3-5 kilometers) and never even posed a threat to Earth due to its distance, disintegrating completely during its last orbit around the Sun.
The comet was discovered in 2010 by the astronomer Leonid Yelenin (this is how his name should have been translated correctly) and he also published the last photograph of the disintegrated comet on his website SpaceObs.orgThe photograph was taken from an 18-inch optical telescope at the International Optical Scientific Observatory in New Mexico (ISON-NM) and it shows what remains of the comet - a pale cloud that is barely visible after it has exited behind the sun.

According to Yelanin, the diameter of the largest remains is 12-18 meters and it will be difficult to see them in the coming days due to the full moon.

Although many rumors were spread about the impending danger of disaster from the comet to humans, it really was not dangerous at all. The closest distance it reached was a very safe distance as we mentioned and for a long time the prevailing opinion among the experts was that it would disintegrate, an opinion that came true.

"I don't know why these horror distributors chose my comet" Yelenin said toUniverse Today. "I received many letters from frightened people, but if they believe in conspiracy theories I cannot help them."

Ian O'Neill, an astronomer who writes on the site Discovery Channel Explains: "I doubt whether this will calm the overactive imaginations of conspiracy theory propagators, but NASA felt the need to answer these crazy theories that started circulating as well as answer the more rational questions."
NASA did a similar action in 2009 when it explained that there is no doomsday comet on its way to hit us in 2012, and specified that there is no astronomical reason for the end of the world on December 21, 2012."

NASA opened Questions and answers page where its scientists explained everything they know about comet Alanin in the hope that this will help to allay the concerns.
Hoping that this safe passage will help to finally convince the fans of doomsday nonsense both regarding the passage of Alanin's remains yesterday and regarding 2012. But of course then conspiracy theorists will look for a new date.


More about NASA's answer to those claiming the end of the world in 2012

9 תגובות

  1. For one who knows - this means nothing because the scientists knew in advance that this was the distance he would travel, but the fear mongers decided to ignore the scientific knowledge as they always do.

  2. Tell me, doesn't the fact that in the end he moved so far away from us prove that there is maybe someone watching over us?

    Food for thought.

  3. For your information, the world will be destroyed in 2012 and I am not ready to accept any excuses for further delays or postponements.

  4. Well, people need immediate action
    Apophis is expected to pass in 2029
    And then maybe collide with Earth in 2036
    What will we do until then?

  5. Phew! Every time I have to run and buy a new hat
    Because I gave the previous ones to the conspiracy believers for food
    After every such "cosmic event" that is canceled. Enough, enough! I don't have money for that!

  6. This is another part of the conspiracy of NASA and the people in the black helicopters to throw comet dust in our eyes in order to blind us from the fact that the comet continues to approach the Earth, according to the alignment of the galaxy of stars that unites with the alignment of the planets in the solar system. Unless Atlas himself diverts the comet with his hands from its present course, our end is certain. It's like the Mayans knew a long time ago and warned..

    Did I forget some practical stories?

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