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The "Doomsday" wars were not detached from reality

In the US, such sights were only seen in movies; All security preparations were not accepted because the concept of the "American spirit" was against it

Nitzan Horvitz

Americans have seen such sights many times, but always in the movies. The last years of the millennium saw an unusual number of "Doomsday" movies of all kinds: whether due to the "end of time", the "great rupture" - the approaching RUPTURE according to the theories of the year 2000, or whether as a result of the formation of a "unipolar" world ” in which the USA remained a single power following the end of the Cold War, exposed to conspiracies by unrestrained groups and individuals.

These came from inside and outside: loner militias, eccentric cults hoarding weapons, neo-Nazis, fanatical government opponents, and internationally: a long line of "accountants" with the US. From the Serbs in Bosnia to Bin Laden's emissaries. To them were added aliens from the very outside: invaders from distant galaxies but also from nearby planets. All of them, almost without exception, focused their cinematic attacks on the symbols of Americana: the skyscrapers of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, the Congress Dome in Washington, the White House, the FBI headquarters. To the American, these attackers were the face of the new "absolute evil". The previous absolute evils, the people of the "Evil Empire"
of the Soviet 80s - appear to be full of kindness.

Hollywood's "doomsday" wars were not completely detached from reality.
The 90s, the decade that should have been characterized by the blessed boredom of "Ketz
History" so to speak, left painful scars in America. towers
The twins in New York have already served as a target for a well-planned attack by
Islamic extremists. The federal building in Oklahoma City was blown up by
A young American who saw the ruling powers as the embodiment of evil on earth.
The American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam were destroyed in attacks
Bin Laden network coordinators. Racists carried out "minority hunting" in Chicago
and Los Angeles. An eccentric recluse has been sending explosive casings for years
lethality. America faced an all-embracing terrorist system, whose arms
They made it their goal to penetrate as deep as possible.

America responded, but in terms of the fabric of American life - these remained
To a large extent with indifference to the point of completely ignoring the new reality
knocking on the gates of the land. All special security preparations, especially
One with permanent characteristics, was not understood and was not accepted by me
The American public in their daily lives. Doomsday films were profitable
Huge, but this reality remains for the Americans only on the screen. also
The terrifying attack in Oklahoma and even the thwarting of my attacks last year
The millennium by Islamic extremists who tried to penetrate from Canada, did not succeed
to affect the routine of American life. Such a change would be against you
The basic concept of the "American spirit", which my leaders are now mentioning
The governor in every second sentence. This is the "founding ethos" of the American nation
Ever since the days of the Mayflower and the pioneers.

Security measures against terrorism, even the minimal ones, did not take root
in the USA. Domestic flights remain free from security almost as before.
The cockpit doors remained open. The threat, at the public level, remains
Something ethereal, very far away, one that has its place in the debate in Washington about
President Bush's missile defense system focused on the potential of countries
Rebellious like Iran and North Korea to develop weapons of mass destruction. Following
The operations against Bin Laden were already established two years ago with permanent concrete barriers
Around the Washington Monument, at the entrances to the White House, and in front of a department
the state These provoked curiosity at best and ridicule in most cases.

This complacent America is suddenly confronted with the harshest aspects of
A threat to personal freedom as they are expressed in the life of each person:
Blocking roads, closing schools, closing the malls, huge queues
In supermarkets, the stoppage of transport. People are called to donate blood,
Residents are forced to say goodbye to their cars and walk home. in number
There is already a shortage of groceries due to the raid on the stores. these, all of them,
Unpleasant effects everywhere. In America, in terms of personal feeling,
Both in terms of a catastrophe the likes of which at least two generations have not known.

This background creates enormous, unprecedented pressure on Bush, especially on Bush,
Cruel, respond. There are no lack of punch lines. Hollywood provided them
in abundance in recent years. Many Americans react like that rigid general
The demand from the president to "destroy them now". The whole world is seen as threatening. this
is not a new sensation in America. The pioneers left the old world behind,
Their descendants asked to be separated from him, most of them, 70 percent, do not even have a passport
Today. But time after time, America had to roll up its sleeves and take care of the world
the unruly Now she is required to do it once more. She has no resources
is missing, and has already proven that she also has willpower.
But against whom? It is not clear. This is perhaps the biggest drawback in the coveted status of
Power over a unit.

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