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The secrets of weaning from diapers

Weaning from diapers is a long process that requires quite a bit of patience on the part of parents and all parties involved. Don't know how to do it? Here are the secrets behind the scenes

Toilet training. Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK
Toilet training. Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

Weaning from diapers saves money for the parents and significantly improves the toddler's quality of life. At the same time, it is important to remember that this is a complex process. The process requires physical and psychological maturity and is completely subjective. At the same time, today there is already enough promising knowledge Weaning from diapers easily and quickly And you just need to know the key rules.

First of all, the parents should check if the toddler is even ready for weaning. This is done when you offer him to use the potty or the toilet and examine his behavior and reactions. If he shows interest and curiosity, we can assume that he has reached maturity and continue the process. On the other hand, children who reject the idea will not cooperate in the future and will cause even more frustration. In these cases, you have to wait a little longer for the right moment.

Steps in the detoxification process

The most important secret in the weaning process from diapers is to follow the correct steps. In the first step, you should have a preliminary conversation with the kindergarten teacher or the nanny in order to recruit them for the benefit of the process. In the second step, you purchase a suitable book that deals with the subject or show relevant videos. You can play pretend games with the toddler, sit a doll on a potty and encourage him to participate. At the same time, it is important to purchase a new supply of underwear according to the child's preferences. A simple graphic print on the bottom can make the difference between success and failure.

In the second step, you need to buy a pot or a buttock. You can also share with the children at this stage and let them place the new and intriguing product in the toilet cubicle. In addition, it is very important to start the process when you are at home and support the toddler in any case of a dilemma.

From a practical point of view, during the process of weaning from diapers, they must be replaced with underwear for a short and limited time of two hours only. Gradualness is the key word in rehab and there is no reason to speed up natural processes that take place at a slower pace. During the two hours when the child is wearing underwear and not a diaper, it is important to remind him to go to the bathroom every half hour. Remember that mistakes are an integral part of the process and your response will largely determine success. Positive reinforcement will encourage the child to continue the process, while expressions of impatience will cause regression.

Myths in weaning from diapers

The detoxification process will bring you together with quite a few myths. You must remember that each child is a whole world and not be tempted by general recommendations that are not based on research knowledge. Contrary to popular belief, the season in which the weaning process takes place has no meaning. In most cases, weaning during the day will be faster than weaning at night and of course there is no reason to postpone the process.
In conclusion, the secrets of weaning from diapers have been accumulating for hundreds of years and now they have reached a new peak. Use the revealed secrets and you too will be able to satisfy the child.

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