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A world in a crazy jacket 28/Where is it forbidden to run away from a grizzly bear?

Japan's lepers demand an apology * The Japanese entertainer's killer is sentenced to death * Climbing a tree to escape from a bear?!… Not the right solution…

Yoram Mizrachi

Japan's lepers demand an apology

An organization representing Japanese lepers and their families is demanding a public apology from the government for what they define as "demonization of the disease and mental abuse." The lepers say that in the modern era, the serious neurological disease has a different image than the one that was accepted in ancient times and even at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until the last few years, Japanese governments used to isolate lepers and in various third world countries leper colonies operate to this day which are isolated quarantines. The apology lawsuit, which was joined by doctors and human and civil rights activists, was born in Tokyo after it became known that previous governments, which ordered the isolation of leprosy patients, approved experiments on the fetuses of leprous women. One hundred and fifteen transparent formalin containers, containing fetuses and even babies born to lepers, were discovered in five medical centers and an institution for the treatment of leprosy patients. The revelation caused a shock among leprosy patients or survivors of the disease who were treated in time and recovered. Various bodies in Japanese society describe the revelation as "exposing a monster" and demand that the embryos be handed over for burial. Leprosy affects many people every year, mainly in Asia, Africa and South America. Recently, it was reported that new cases of leprosy were also discovered in Western countries, including the United States, Canada and Australia. The disease was common at the beginning of the twentieth century in Scandinavia and especially in Norway. Conventional treatment of leprosy is done using a method developed years ago by Dr. Goldgerber, an Israeli doctor from Jerusalem, who worked and lived at the Hansen Hospital, which is located not far from the Rose Garden. According to Japanese doctors, the treatment of the disease is done in part with theolamide pills, which in the XNUMXs and XNUMXs were banned for regular use because they caused severe birth defects that appeared in the fetuses of pregnant women who gave birth to babies without limbs.
The history of the horrible and distorted disease includes descriptions of the isolation of lepers, not only in special colonies, but also in the public such as the obligation of medieval and Renaissance lepers to use a "warning bell" or a special rattle when visiting cities and villages, to warn passers-by. The disease hit all levels and strata of society, from slaves to kings. One of the more well-known leper colonies in the modern era was located on one of the islands of Hawaii and another in northern Norway. A Canadian doctor, Dr. Frank Dirksen from the University of Manitoba, known as "the angel", for example heads a team of volunteer orthopedic surgeons, who treat patients living in remote areas of Latin America. The treatment includes stretching and cutting off the tendons that cause the fingers and toes to bend. The treatment is similar to that done in diabetic patients, whose nerves are destroyed and as a result suffer c. About bending fingers and toes and nerve degeneration leading to wounds. In both cases, the patient suffered severe damage, resulting in a loss of sensation and all that this entails. In one of the idioms common in the rain forest of Brazil, the patients are called "those who touch the fire" because of the fact that lepers do not feel cold or hot and many of them suffer from severe and even fatal burns. The only animal, apart from man, affected by leprosy is the armadillo, an armored animal, common in Texas and Mexico.

Japanese entertainer killer sentenced to death
After a long manhunt that began in 1991 and equally long trials, which were conducted in all courts and stretched over years, the Supreme Court of the Kingdom decided to approve the death penalty imposed on 41-year-old Mishkotsu Nishikawa. The man also known as the "entertainment killer" was found guilty of murdering four bar owners , whom he attacked and strangled. The man who was defined as a "chronic consumer of entertainment including alcohol and women" attacked entertainers, including a comedian who performed in one of the nightclubs. The woman managed to escape for her life and brought the serial killer into custody. The police say that Mishkotsu refuses to cooperate in various investigations that focus on the murder of women, mainly bar workers, entertainers and foreigners. A religious priest said in Tokyo that he intended to meet with the man condemned to death, in order to convince him to reveal to the investigators "everything he knows about the murder of women" in contrast to the cleric's hopes of dubbing Mishkotsu, experienced police investigators, who have dealt with the murderer, say that the religious-spiritual process has no chance, because the murderer is "A vile man without any trace of faith"

African armies are succumbing to... AIDS syndrome HIV/IDS
An all-African intelligence report, part of which was published at a military medicine conference and in African magazines, places AIDS syndrome at the top of the causes of casualties in African armies. The authors of the report say that in some armies and police forces the prevalence of the disease reaches fifty percent and that in combat units the number rises to sixty to seventy percent. Among other things, it was reported that the syndrome affected thirty percent of the South African army, whose field units recorded an increase in the syndrome to forty percent. Until the fall of the apartheid regime, the South African Defense Force (SADF) was considered "the healthiest army on the continent" with standards essentially identical to those of Western armies. Most of the army soldiers today come from among the black and tribal population, which has different customs and culture than the whites. The problem is so acute that Muslim religious priests, mainly in the Cape Town and Durban area, have launched a preaching campaign aimed at young Muslims and especially Muslim soldiers, to convince them to practice personal hygiene and strict abstinence. In various armies, for example Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda, the syndrome has become the main killer, with a prevalence of up to sixty percent of carriers and more than twenty percent of patients with a "clearly visible outbreak" UN officials, who are trying to convince African countries to deploy units for "blue helmet" missions, fear that carrier soldiers will spread the disease in the countries where they will be stationed on peace missions. A difficult picture is also painted in the armies of the Russian Federation, the Indian army and apparently also in the Chinese army. One of the reasons for the spread of AIDS in South Africa is related to female exporters from the Commonwealth of Nations "making a living" in the country, while in India the syndrome is spread mainly through carriers who belong to the driver sector, in particular those who drive long distances in trucks and buses. The drivers are known as sex consumers, and among the sex clients are soldiers and policemen stationed in bases far from their homes.
The Sudanese government, which is engaged in preparations for the possible reception of peacekeepers from African countries who will be stationed in Darfur, demands that all foreign troops undergo an AIDS test. The lawsuit also includes air crew members from the US Air Force, who are supposed to provide logistical assistance to the Inter-African Force. For now, the Pentagon refuses to respond to Khartoum's demand.

Extreme leftist terrorism, scares Argentines
An explosion that happened in Buenos Aires, hit the video library branch of the American company "Blockbuster". Two charges were discovered before they exploded in the buildings belonging to c. As for American companies. A bomb was detonated at a "Citibank" branch and another was neutralized at a "McDonald's" fast food and hamburger patty branch
The responsibility for the attacks, which ended without causing casualties, was taken by a small organization MARIANO MORENO NATIONAL LIBRATION COMMANDO
National Liberation Commando Moth Mariano Moreno. In attacks on a similar background, which took place in November 2004, three American banks were damaged. In last year's attacks, a police officer from the Pneui and bomb disposal unit was killed and four were injured. Various factors relate the attacks to the difficult socio-economic situation in the country and the steep increase in the number of unemployed. Among other things, students and lecturers from the left began to organize themselves in "anti-imperialist" frameworks with an ideology identical to the one that characterized the extreme left that opposed the military junta between the sixties and the eighties, also through terrorism and urban guerrilla warfare

From now on, suppliers and prescribers of marijuana as a pain reliever will be punished
The Supreme Court of the United States decided that medical marijuana prescriptions should not be approved and thus canceled the existing marijuana laws in eleven of the states of the United States. The court ruled that doctors who prescribe marijuana, as a treatment for chronically ill patients and victims of constant pain, violate the federal law that prohibits the distribution of drugs of any kind. The court's decision came after two drug users from San Francisco filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Justice demanding to approve "Medical Naap's" the two announced their intention to convert according to the Supreme Court and to continue consuming marijuana. One of the two, Diana Munson, said she uses marijuana at least four times a day. Now it remains to be seen if they will find doctors willing to break the law. In neighboring Canada, doctors are allowed to prescribe marijuana. The plants are grown in an underground greenhouse, located in the province of Manitoba where an abandoned mine was turned into a "government marijuana institute" The sick consumers must have a special government certificate.

Groslam post war keeps Canadians busy
The Canadian media concern Kwest managed to obtain in the United States a conditional order against media-backgrounds in relation to management changes or the sale of the Israeli English-language daily Groslam-Post. The Canadian concern, owned by the Asper family from Winnipeg, purchased about fifty percent of the daily and its related companies a year ago. The Kwest company founded by the media magnate Izzy Esper, who died a year ago, owns many media in Canada, the USA and Australia, including radio and television stations as well as several regional and national newspapers, for example the Canadian National Post and more. Izzy Esper, who was one of the senior members of the Liberal Party of Canada, was known as a supporter of the right wing and hawkish line of the Likud governments in Israel.

Climbing a tree to escape from a bear?!… Not the right solution…
35-year-old Isabella Dubais from the province of Quebec, a well-known athlete as a competitive cyclist married and mother of a toddler daughter, visited the province of Alberta where she went jogging. Isabella and her friends who love sports and nature encountered a large grizzly bear standing in the heart of the mountain pass. As two of the jogging runners began to move backwards, walking slowly, so as not to attract too much attention from the big bear, Isabella asked with a shout what they were proposing to do? Before hearing her friends replying that they should leave the place immediately, Isabella chose to run to the edge of the clearing, where she climbed a tree with the grizzly following her. Isabella's friends said they walked back until they were out of sight of the bear and then rushed to a golf course about a kilometer from the fatal encounter site in Lide Kenmore, Alberta. The two gathered help and returned to the scene accompanied by nature inspectors. An inspector "who knew" the bear, who was equipped with a collar with a radio transmitter for tracking, found the bear dragging the body of the runner. The ranger shot the bear and killed it. According to the inspector, the bear was equipped with a radio collar and moved to a remote mountainous area, because last year it chased and endangered a nature photographer. Isabella's friends said that even during the distance from the site, where the bear was seen and where their friend was left trapped in a tree, they heard the cries of Isabella who tried to drive away the huge and dangerous animal. The case is the first of its kind in the district since 1998. The Nature Control Authority said that between 1982 and 1998, two hikers who encountered grizzly bears and their cubs were killed in the district. Since the 1998 fatality there have been 23 cases of grizzly and black bear attacks, most of which moderately to severely injured hikers. Jim Storen, a hiker and bear victim who needs dozens of plastic surgeries to reconstruct and shape his face, says that he is not angry with the bear that hurt him "because I, not the bear, was an unwelcome guest in his living environment" In the encounter with the bear, the hiker lost one of his eyes, the palm of his right hand, his scalp and a significant part of his facial tissues including his nose and ears. Bear experts said that the bears are able to stand on their hind legs and stretch to a height of three meters or more and that they "add height" with their front paws. The bears are able to trap a person who thinks he is safe between tree branches not only by thrusting their claws but also by shaking the trunk. It is believed that Isabella did not climb too high and the bear managed to break the branch she was sitting on.

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