missions to the moon

Workers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center move the parts of the SLS rocket that will be used to launch the Artemis manned spacecraft to the moon. Photo: NASA

The Rocket Factory: A Look at NASA's Plans for the Moon and Beyond

NASA is upgrading Kennedy Space Center facilities to support the assembly of SLS rockets for the Artemis missions, which aim to land the next astronauts on the moon, using innovative technologies to improve the assembly process.
SuperLimbs. Photography: Erik Ballesteros and Harry Asada

"Nahum Takum"-style robotic legs may help astronauts on the moon get up from falls

New MIT system called SuperLimbs may help astronauts conserve energy and extend missions on the moon
Astronaut Kate Robbins looks at a geological sample she collected during a simulated moonwalk. Credit: NASA/Josh Valcarcel

Michael Jackson in Arizona caves - NASA is rehearsing for moon walks

During NASA's Operation Artemis, astronauts will tour the moon. To prepare for this, the space agency is conducting a weeklong field experiment in the lunar-like landscape of the San Francisco Volcanic Field near Flagstaff, Arizona, to
EXPAND accelerator. Credit: Creation Space

A new accelerator will qualify Israeli startups to integrate into NASA's Artemis moon return program

The Israeli company Creation-Space is launching the 'EXPAND' accelerator which will give start-ups an opportunity to develop groundbreaking technologies in the field of space exploration and the settlement of the Moon and Mars • The winning start-up will receive a scientific-technological grant in the amount of 100 thousand
Photograph of the landing site from the moon lander Odysseus. PR photo, from the Intuitive Machines website

The moon lander Odysseus will stop operating the day after tomorrow (Tuesday 5/3/2024) when darkness falls on its landing area on the side

Odysseus landed on its side instead of landing at a vertical angle, which disrupted communication with Earth. Some of the antennas were blocked by the inverted spacecraft, and those that remained exposed were too close to the ground, which
Odysseus the moon lander. Illustration: Intuitive Machines

For the first time a private spacecraft lands on the moon

A historic achievement for the United States, which returns to land on the moon for the first time since 1972, and the company Intuitive Machines, which seeks to prove its capabilities and serve as a supplier of equipment transfer to the moon as part of the Artemis program
This is what the Peregrine spacecraft looked like during its exit from the upper stage of the launcher. Photo: Astrobotic

Hot end for Peregrine lander: Burn up in atmosphere on Thursday, 19/1/24

The spacecraft failed to reach lunar orbit due to a fuel leak that was discovered immediately upon its ejection from the upper stage of the launcher. Now NASA is helping Astrobotics investigate the malfunction
Artemis II crew members (from left) CSA (Canadian Space Agency) astronaut Jeremy Hansen, and NASA astronauts Christina Koch, Victor Glover and Reid Weisman, exit the astronaut crew quarters in the Neil Armstrong Building to the Artemis crew transport facilities, before traveling to Launch Pad 39B As part of the Integrated Ground Systems Experiment at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, on Wednesday, September 20, to test the crew's schedule on launch day. Now they will have to wait another year for the actual flight. NASA photo

The moon will have to wait another year

NASA postpones the Artemis 2 and 3 missions by a year to 2025 and 2026 respectively. The reason: repeated failures. One of them occurred this week - the fuel leak from the lunar lander intended for Peregrine
Figure prepared using artificial intelligence software Dali 3. Crowded on the moon.

Space: The year 2024 will be busy, especially on the moon

The new year is expected to be full of exciting space missions, from rocket launches and landings to the moon, manned flights around the moon, a new spacecraft to explore Jupiter and a demonstration flight of a new supply spacecraft to the space station
The Indian lander Vircam as photographed from the Paragain robotic vehicle. Photo by the Indian Space Agency ISRO

Surprising presence of sulfur in the soil of the South Pole of the Moon by the Indian robotic vehicle Paragain in the Chandrayaan-3 mission

The vehicle discovered a wide variety of heavy elements, but this is the first evidence of the presence of sulfur * The rover will tour the south pole of the moon for two weeks and look for signs of water ice
Model of the Luna 25 spacecraft. From Wikipedia

The Russian spacecraft Luna 25 crashed on the moon a day before the planned landing

The spacecraft, designed to test whether the moon could support a permanent base for humans, crashed after entering an unexpected orbit, the Russian space corporation Roscosmos reported
Astronaut on the moon. Image: NASA

The astronauts are returning to the moon, but they will not repeat the Apollo missions

using the same main engines and solid rocket booster technology that powered the space shuttle. The space agency has made many improvements, and learned the hard-earned lessons from past disasters. SLS and Orion represent evolution
The crew of NASA's Artemis 2 mission (left to right): NASA astronauts Christina Hemock Cook, Reed Wiseman (seated), Victor Glover and Canadian space agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen. Credit: NASA

NASA has announced the four astronauts who will orbit the moon on the Artemis 2 mission, for the first time since Apollo

Among the four are Victor Glover who spent six months on the International Space Station, but at NASA for some reason they emphasize the color of his light, as well as Christina Hemock Cook - the first woman to fly to the lunar orbit
The Artemis III space suit prototype, the AxEMU. Although this prototype is covered in a dark gray cover material, the final version will likely be completely white when worn by NASA astronauts on the lunar surface, to help keep the astronauts safe and cool as they work in the harsh environment of space. Credit: Axiom Space

NASA and Axiom unveiled the spacesuits that will be used by the astronauts who will land on the moon in Operation Artemis

The innovative design comes with special features to support the astronauts as they conduct scientific experiments on the surface of the moon as well as the women who will be one of the first crew to land. NASA hopes the updated suit will be
Moon colony. Illustration: depositphotos.com

There is a possibility of farming on the moon

The main challenge in farming on the moon is creating a habitable environment that can protect plants from the harsh conditions on the moon's surface. This can be achieved through the use of incubators or other controlled environments
Jim Frey, NASA's associate director for exploration systems development (manned flights), at the 18th Ilan Ramon conference in Tel Aviv. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

The Artemis program is progressing while dealing with budget constraints and inflation

NASA's associate director for exploration systems development (manned flights), Jim Frey, provided updates on the progress of the Artemis program in an interview with the science website
This artist rendering shows the briefcase-sized probe Lunar Flashlight using its near-infrared lasers to illuminate dark polar regions on the moon and search for water ice. Credit: Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Is NASA's lunar satellite in danger? Problems with the propulsion system of the Lunar Fleshlight spacecraft

Mission Control is characterizing its new "green" propulsion system and developing an updated plan for Lunar Fleshlight's journey to the Moon
haukuto - R loaded on SpaceX's Falcon 9 launcher. PR photo, SpaceX

The private Japanese lander Hakuto – R was launched to the moon

ISPACE was a competitor of SPACEIL in the Lunar X Prize competition and now they will try to do what Genesis 1 failed to do - to be the first private company to land on the moon
The landing of the Orion spacecraft in the Artemis 1 mission back from orbiting the moon. Photo: NASA TV

The Orion spacecraft has successfully landed in the Pacific Ocean, now NASA is preparing to test it in preparation for the manned flights

The spacecraft completed a flight that included a lap of the moon and carried several scientific experiments. It is now aboard a US military ship that will take it to San Diego, from where it will be transferred to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for testing
A "selfie" photo of the Orion capsule on the Artemis 1 mission, taken during a routine inspection of the spacecraft on the third day of the journey - 18/11/2022. Photo: NASA

NASA's Artemis 1 mission to the moon sets the stage for routine space exploration beyond Earth orbit

An astronomer explains what to expect and why it's important and how technological developments in the last 50 years have made the moon a much more accessible place
Artemis 1 on the launch pad, 16/11/22. Screenshot from NASA TV

Artemis 1 was launched to the Moon * separated from the launcher and orbits the Earth

Later today, the Orion spacecraft is expected to deploy its solar collectors and begin tests that will last several days in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, until the mission engineers decide to move it into orbit around the moon.
The SLS rocket's four RS-25 engines produce more than half a million pounds of thrust. The four RS-25 engines were last fired in the first-run ignition test of the core stage at NASA's Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. , on March 21, 2021. Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz

NASA crews replace gaskets and tubes on the Artemis 1 lunar rocket and prepare for a refueling test

On Saturday, September 17, they will conduct an engine cooling test and then it will be decided when it will be possible to launch Artemis 1, after the launch was delayed twice due to leaks
The SLS launcher with the Artemis 1 spacecraft on it was due to launch at the original launch on August 29, 2022. The launch was delayed due to a hydrogen leak from one of the engines. Photo PR, NASA

Artemis 1 launch canceled again due to hydrogen leak (live broadcast)

After the launch was postponed due to a malfunction in one of the engines, NASA engineers made a series of repairs * Duration of the launch window: XNUMX hours
The artist's impression of Orion on the moon. NASA/Liam Ynollis

Artemis 1: The maiden flight was postponed to Saturday - this is what needs to be done properly

The goal of Project Artemis, named after the sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus in ancient Greek mythology, is to create a long-term human presence on our closest celestial neighbor
The Israel Space Agency in the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology publishes a unique illustration by Israeli cartoonist and illustrator Uri Fink, showing for the first time the #LunaTwins of the Artemis-I mission waiting together with NASA's Commander Monikin for liftoff!

The Artemis 1 launch was delayed due to a fuel leak from one of the engines

Update: A malfunction in one of the engines caused the countdown to stop. Even if the fault is fixed, it is necessary to cool all four engines at the same time. If the launch does not take place today the next launch window -
A NASA poster for the launch of the Artemis 1 spacecraft on the SLS rocket. Image: NASA

NASA's Artemis 1 mission will be launched on Monday at 15:33 - what to expect and why it is important

The mission, whose launch is scheduled for Monday, August 29, 2022, is a test flight - without a crew - of the launch system into space and the Orion crew compartment. NASA hopes it will pave the way for routine exploration of
The Zohar and Helga mannequins aboard Artemis 1 are planned to orbit the Moon outside the Earth's radiation belt. Photo: NASA

Israeli development - at the heart of the Artemis 1 mission: mannequins on which the AstroRad vest that protects against radiation will be tested

A joint experiment by the Israeli Space Agency with its German counterpart will test the degree of protection the suit provides against radiation in space. If the experiment is successful, there is a high chance that the technology will become standard in deep space missions
Rendering of 13 candidate landing zones for Artemis III. Each area is about 15 by 15 kilometers. A landing site is a location within those areas with a radius of about 100 meters. Credit: NASA

NASA identifies sites on the moon for the next US manned landing

NASA will discuss the formation of the final sites with the scientific community and with SpaceX whose landing vehicle, Starship is manufactured according to its capabilities
Illustration of Lunar IceCube in orbit, exploring the ice on the moon. Credit: Morehead State University

The tiny satellite revolution is coming to the moon

NASA's Lunar IceCube -- Cubesat for observing the moon ready for Artemis 1 launch
This artist impression shows an aerial view of the liftoff of a NASA Space Launch System rocket. This Block 1 crew configuration of the rocket will send the first three Artemis missions to the moon. Credit: NASA/MSFC

Final preparations for the launch of the Artemis 1 SLS lunar launcher for launch at the end of the month

NASA's target launch date is now August 29th at 08:33 EST in a two-hour time window. If there is a successful launch on August 29th the mission will last approximately 42 days -
Fission power generation systems—seen in this concept illustration—could provide reliable power for lunar exploration aboard Artemis. Credit: NASA

Nuclear power on the moon: NASA selects a design idea for a power generation system by fission

NASA and the US Department of Energy are funding the development of initial design concepts for a 40 kW FSP system that is planned to operate for at least ten years in the lunar environment
Michael Collins. NASA photo

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Dies at 91

Some called him 'the loneliest man in history' - while his colleagues walked on the moon for the first time
Illustration of the SpaceX Starship lander that will carry NASA's first astronauts to the moon as part of the Artemis program. Image: SpaceX

NASA chose SpaceX to land a manned spacecraft on the moon for a demonstration of capability

The choice of Spice X is as a sole supplier. Also competing in the tender was a group that included Blue Origin Lockheed Martin and another group led by the Dintics Corporation which was a partner in the Apollo project. The evaluation: the proposal of Spice X
Ignition test of the SLS rocket engines. Photo: NASA

Boeing and NASA complete full ignition test of Artemis 1 launch system core

In the initial phase it will be an unmanned test flight around the moon, later the launch system will continue to develop towards the "Artemis 3" program - planned to be the landing of the first woman and the next man on the moon.
The Chang-5 re-entry capsule in Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, December 16, 2020. Photo: CNSA/CLEP

The Chinese capsule with 2 kg of lunar soil landed safely

In the mission, the Chinese achieved several milestones, including the first lunar sample, the first takeoff from a body in outer space, the first encounter and docking in lunar orbit, and the first spacecraft that carried samples and entered the Earth's atmosphere
The command module of the Apollo 17 spacecraft in the museum at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Photo: shutterstock

The last man on the moon (so far)

The Apollo 17 mission was mankind's last manned visit to the Moon. In 2024, if all goes as planned, the first woman will set foot on the moon
The last telemetry received from the Vikram spacecraft that apparently crashed on the moon, 6/9/19. Screenshot from the YouTube channel INDIA TODAY

The Indian lunar lander crashed just minutes before the planned landing

Infographic: The orbit of the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-2 to the moon. Image: ISRO

Chandrayaan 2 began orbiting the moon

The first step on the moon, as captured by the video camera of the Apollo 11 lander was the eagle. Photo: NASA

Apollo 11 mission - step by step. Part 2 - Ait Nahat