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Central science and research institutions

Designing figures of heroes as giants in Gothic art marked the strengthening of urban power, the weakening of religion and the beginning of social mobility
A smart device, based on a single atomic layer, which sorts and controls the spin of photons, may lead to the development of next-generation computers
About the different ways to curb violence that comes from waiting
The ability to survive without food is one of the great achievements of our biology - but how does it work?
Does the picture change? Artificial neural networks will have a hard time deciphering it
Scientists use superpolarization of water to greatly improve the performance and possibilities of biomolecular studies combined with nuclear magnetic resonance
Artificial particles, superfluid and supersolid will be characterized by the flow of electrons with zero friction, at relatively high temperatures
Against the background of the preference of couples to formalize their relationship and get married without a religious-traditional "stamp".
A technology based on artificial intelligence may quickly and simply decode genetic and molecular information about cancer tumors. On the horizon: personalized medicine for cancer patients
Genetic damage can cause osteoporosis and muscle and bone depletion at the same time
A new approach to measuring long distances in large molecules and molecular complexes
On the face of it, it seems that the possibility that we intentionally seek content that harms us, is contrary to the research-based hedonistic principle, according to which man strives to avoid pain and maximize pleasure, and therefore would prefer to avoid consuming content that evokes negative feelings such as anger. New research proves the opposite
Pools of immune system cells taken from patients and mice with liver cancer and melanoma, partly composed of tired immune cells
Disruption of the activity rate of neural networks is related to the development of Alzheimer's disease
An advanced molecular structure may detect and report intracellular activity that may cause cancer
The body's cells sense - and regulate - the amount of iron inside them
"A wise man learns from the experience of others, a fool learns from his own experience." indeed? According to sparrow research, the answer is: it depends
We all use the "wisdom of the crowd", but the crowd, what to do, is made up of lots of individuals who behave differently
Star observations made in Babylon teach about the past and may hint at the future
The president of the academy, Prof. Harel, says that the academy is blessed with the addition of these elite researchers, with whose help it will continue to develop the extensive scientific activity in Israel in the coming years and promote its national and international goals.
The Council for Higher Education reports ahead of the opening of the academic school year that after a jump of 24,000 in the number of students in the higher education system in Israel, the forecast for a more moderate increase in the number of students in the academic year of Israel
The Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Orit Farkash HaCohen and the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Mansor Abbas agreed on a five-year plan with a budget of half a billion shekels to improve human capital in the Arab society in Israel in the short and long term
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