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2012: It's time to change the dates

Archaeologists who dug among the Mayan ruins found a calendar with a reference to astronomical events thousands of years ahead.

Macanquen stone tablet depicting the Mayan king Tajai Chan Ahk. Photo: Lindert, from Wikipedia
Macanquen stone tablet depicting the Mayan king Tajai Chan Ahk. Photo: Lindert, from Wikipedia

In recent years, the world has been hit by a severe panic, following the rigid schedule set by the Mayans for the end. You know what I'm talking about: Armageddon, the great destruction, the second flood, the supernova that will burn us all. Call it what you will, but it seems like half of humanity today understands that by the end of 2012, it will be upon us all. On December 21, if you want to know what week you won't have to wash the house, because there won't be a weekend anymore.

According to the calendar drawn by the Mayans, the counting of the current era should end at the end of 2012. Well, they didn't exactly say that. In fact, they didn't say anything of the sort. The only reason we came to this conclusion is that their calendar naturally ends on the date corresponding to our year 2012 (for more, it is recommended to read Amnon Carmel's instructive post on the subject). What is it similar to? for the year 1,000 AD with us. It is simply a numerical landmark, after which the year 1,001 begins. but what? A thousand is a beautiful number. Symbolic, even. And that's enough for many people to attribute different meanings to it.

This is not a very exciting explanation. Fortunately, the world is full of gurus of all kinds who gain fame and money from a bit of mass panic. There is nothing new in this. Doomsday and doomsday prophecies were prevalent throughout history, and there was always someone who profited from them. When the first millennium AD came to an end, many Christians sold all their possessions and gathered in churches in anticipation of salvation. Why? Because a thousand, as we have already said, is a particularly eye-catching number. You don't need much more than that, it turns out. The world, by the way, moved on, and only the merchants who bought the property of the fools got out of the whole story.

So yes, doomsday prophecies were already abundant. They are usually referenced in the Holy Scriptures, in hidden verses or even in direct communication with God. It is difficult to argue with such claims, just as it is difficult to contradict the Mayan prophecy. What can we say? That the Mayans didn't really mean that the world was going to disappear in 2012? It's not like we have exactly anyone to argue with here, do we? The Mayans, after all, were long extinct.

Well, that's not accurate. We know the Mayans kept dates and planned ahead. If we discover that they also planned beyond the year 2012, then there is evidence here that they themselves did not intend for the world to retire in this year.

This is exactly the new discovery of a group of archaeologists, who continue to explore vigorously in the Mayan ruins in Guatemala, when they are not too bothered by the end of the world coming upon us. Undeterred, the researchers discovered a small room whose interior walls were covered with astronomical charts of the movement of the celestial bodies. These charts were drawn, as far as we can tell, 1,200 years ago, and they provide predictions regarding the position of the stars in the sky for 6,000 years into the future. We must appreciate the ancient writers who continued to chart the course of the stars 6,000 years into the future. This is an extraordinary intellectual task, which must have been funded by the government.

Don't you think it's strange? If the end of the world is coming in 2012, why make plans for 4,000 plus years after the reckoning? The answer, of course, is that the Mayans never claimed that the end of the world would come this year.

At this point, conspiracy theorists will jump, and claim that this is a logical leap. It is clear, after all, that the ancient writers could have been a breed of rebel astrologers who went against the hypothetical doomsday culture. Or even that the governors wanted to prepare in case the end of the world does not come in 2012 despite all the predictions. These are reasonable assumptions, if it weren't for the fact (which I'm already tired of repeating) that no hints were ever found in all the Mayan records that they believed the end of the world was going to come in 2012. Will this annoying little fact bother the conspiracy enthusiasts? Doubtful, since they have insisted on ignoring it to this day, just as they have insisted that the Mayans possessed mysterious and magical knowledge. Considering the fact that the Mayans were backward savages who could not even come close to the Iron Age, and who made human sacrifices by the hundreds and thousands, I prefer that they keep their knowledge with them.


All this must seem amusing to the intelligent and skeptical readers of the blog (I have no non-intelligent readers, in case you were wondering). Because what has already happened? A few more prophets on a dime who stir up the masses every decade and every century, trying to get a few more pennies out of them before Judgment Day. But there is nothing funny here. Humans have the ability to concentrate on a limited number of important facts. Every person who fears the end of the world that will come this year, ignores a thousand and one other ways in which humanity can fatally injure itself: in nuclear wars, through fatal damage to the biosphere, locked in oil resources and more. These are the real doomsday prophecies we should be concerned about. They may not be as immediate and sexy as 2012, but if we don't pay attention to them, we may find that they will be realized by the end of the century.

Eventually, the Maya became extinct from a combination of various factors. An extensive culture that numbered millions of souls, disappeared almost entirely. Their cities are buried in the jungle, and no living soul lives in them or near them. The factors attributed by anthropologist Jared Diamond to the collapse of the Maya are horribly prosaic: population explosion, fighting over scarce resources, deforestation by man, drought and internal warfare among the Maya nobles. None of these reasons involve supernatural factors. They are not needed.

We can bring our end on ourselves, even without help from above.

For the source of the image in Wikipedia

to the original study

To Alex Torovsky's article on the subject (including photos and a video) 

21 תגובות

  1. You have a mistake, with the Mayans the calendar ends and starts again and you gave the example:
    "Why is it similar? for the year 1,000 AD with us. It is simply a numerical landmark, after which the year 1,001 begins. "

  2. What a cute innocence on the part of the reporter, he throws the modern concept of life on the Mayan life more than 1000 years ago, and he also does not notice that most of the destruction prophecies that are popular today are indeed based on the Mayan calendar, but they were not written by them, they were written and said by modern people in 3 -The last 10 years out of fear of the unknown and a projection similar to the one made by the reporter.
    The Mayans never claimed that the world or the universe would disappear on December 21.12.2012, XNUMX. No researcher has ever even claimed to say that.
    Only the ignorance of looking from the modern point of view alone allows us to understand this.
    The Mayans, according to their perception, were the keepers of time and created their calendar while placing great emphasis on the great time cycles spanning tens of thousands of years. They did not see time as only linear (from the past to the present and to the future) but perceived it as circular and cyclical.
    To remind you, until recently the popular perception was that space is also linear and only recently they discovered that even if we go beyond the farthest horizon the earth will not end and we will not fall down (this perception was also naive and a projection of the spirit of the time, because today we know that even if the earth were flat And it had such an end with a huge bottomless cliff we still wouldn't have fallen because actually falling can only happen when you are on the ground).
    If we imagine time as space, then the Mayans actually claimed that in 2012 humanity will reach the horizon of time according to their very intelligent point of view (knowledge and calculation ability that today's scientists leave in the market), and just like you can calculate where the sun will be after sunset but you cannot see what is beyond The end of the world", so the Mayans could know where the stars would be after crossing the time horizon, but they could not "see" what would happen to humanity after crossing the time horizon.
    Except that the Mayan tribe are far from the only ones who predict the same things for that period.
    If we descend for a moment from the tree of the destruction of humanity, it seems that Judaism also claims that there will be a very difficult transitional period at the end of time (the end of time) called the war of Gog and Magog, and then there will come a period of prosperity and flourishing that surpasses all imagination, including the resurrection of the dead (and we still think that the Maya are delusional) and an era called end of days (after the end of time)
    The keepers also have parallel prophecies and many others.
    I can talk for many hours about the interpretation of the "prophecies of destruction" of the current period and what it means for the development of humanity in the near future, but not now...
    It was only important to me that no illusions were created regarding these things because a correct understanding and release of fears is very important for this period.

  3. Listen, the Mayans may have had extensive astronomical knowledge (I mention - extensive, but still not as extensive as current astronomical knowledge), but this did not set them apart. The Sumerian tribe, the Assyrians, the Chinese, the Babylonians and the Greeks had similar knowledge of astronomy, and by the way it is possible that some of these cultures had more extensive and accurate astronomical knowledge than the Mayans.
    And we also note that the first humans in the world lived from 60,000 years ago and more.
    But in any case, the Mayans were not special because of the extensive astronomical knowledge they had, but because of the impressive structures they were able to build with impressive precision and with extremely precise calculations. It is not that in the field of construction and mathematics they were better than us, but since we cannot go back in time and also that a considerable part of the Mayan culture has disappeared, we cannot know and understand how they managed to build such structures with such primitive technology. In any case, they did not say anything about 2012, and more than that - as stated in this article and many other articles, in the Mayan calendar there are references to dates that are beyond the 13th Bakton (which is 21.12.12), so obviously, they did not expect the world to come to the end or there will be similar events after the 13th Bacton.
    And we'll end this response with something nice that the Mayans knew as a result of a lot of preoccupation with numbers:
    One cycle in the Hahab calendar (or is it the Chulkin calendar? I'm already confused :)) has 260 days.
    260 days is the time required to grow corn (the ancient Mayan tribe believed that man is made of corn and blood). This is also the average time required to complete a human pregnancy process.

  4. I do not disagree with your opinion, but I also did not find that it contradicts the version I proposed,

    I will just add that the comprehensive knowledge of the solar system including Pluto was not unique to the Mayans, in fact the Shumer people were also aware of the planet Pluto which we discovered only in 1930,
    Since Shumer is considered the first civilization of mankind around 4000 BC, it is inconceivable that we only discovered today what the first humans in the world already knew.

  5. Ross, they didn't get their knowledge from spacemen. They just loved doing numbers and stargazing. It seems amazing to you to understand how it is even possible to accurately calculate the orbits of planets and to know about the existence of very distant planets in the ancient means, but it only seems amazing, because you have no experience with this. And we will state a fact - they were not as accurate as we were. We are more modern and have more accurate measurements of orbits and planets, and by the way, our calendars are also more accurate (in the Gregorian calendar, there is an error of one day every 3,300 years. In the Julian calendar there is an error of one day every 128 years, while in the Mayan calendar, the complex From a number of tablets including the Chulkin tablet and the Lord's tablet, there is an error of one day every 4 years).

    And Ross, as Amnon Carmel said in his article - even if they had incredible astronomical knowledge equal in accuracy to ours and even surpassing it - the Maya tribe never claimed that the world would end in 2012.

  6. Roy,
    When you said "the intelligent and skeptical readers of the blog (I have no non-intelligent readers, in case you were wondering)"
    You forgot the talkbackist Haim, who wrote to this Japanese.
    Haim, the fact that there are many Muslim migrant workers in Europe does not mean that they will destroy the world.
    Racism is not useful and has not been useful to anyone, and it does not indicate multiple thinking.

  7. Wild and backward?

    They knew about Pluto's existence, we only found it in 1930
    They knew the strange orbit of Venus, and many other things that we are just beginning to discover and discovered in the last century,

    But I agree that they were pretty wild, this knowledge, they claim, they got from spacemen

    You can learn 2 things:
    1. Their knowledge is accurate, I trust it more than the knowledge of today's scientists
    2. If the knowledge is accurate, it does not bode well for 2012

  8. Roy, what were you actually trying to say here? That the Maya, as smart as they were (but still not as smart as us) didn't say anything about 2012, something that has been known for a long time?

  9. In a thousand years we will also be told that we are "savage and backward", the fact that we eat the flesh of dead animals is enough to determine this, it parallels our feeling regarding human sacrifices among the Mayans,

  10. Roy,
    To say of the Maya that they are backward borders on arrogance that has no basis.
    We will wait and see (well, not really us personally...) what will remain of the amazing construction in our country in another 1200 years...
    A little humility and historical perspective. The Romans also offered human sacrifices: they were called gladiators...

  11. Roy, I understand your skepticism, I assure you that the world will come to an end, there is no doubt about it, it will happen in about a billion years, the sun will heat up and evaporate the oceans and destroy life, the Maya were wrong by a billion years.

  12. Of course the world will not end at the end of 1012.

    All this because the world has already come to an end on October 15, 1998, at 16:20.
    What you are experiencing now is a post-traumatic delusion.
    But she too will fade away soon.

  13. The Mayans were backward savages???? what?? All of your credibility as a writer and of the science site in general has dropped dramatically as a result of this statement.
    A nation that built such advanced cities and created an incredibly accurate astronomical calendar 6000 years into the future could be wild and backward?
    Your arrogance only reflects you

  14. That's because I added bunk beds. So about 120 places were added. And now there are 3 left.

  15. point,

    Do you still have 3 places? Apparently there is no demand.
    Chutsamza, where do you plan to fly from here?

  16. That the world will be destroyed is only a matter of time. Because Islam will destroy the world even before it is eliminated by a natural process.
    Not true? Look at Europe. this is only the beginning.

  17. It's a bit sad that such an interesting discovery is published on a scientific website as if the website's readers are ignorant people who sit and wait for "the end of the world". It would have been possible to add information about the discovery, instead of creating unnecessary provocation.

  18. They will not work on you.
    The end of the world is near. And the only one who built a spaceship is me.
    3 places left.

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