Angle - a news agency for science and the environment

Fires on the border between Israel and Lebanon. Illustration:

The war on the hive: how do the fires affect the bee population in Israel?

Following the severe fires in the north, the beehives were also damaged - what might be the cost of the damage and is there anything that can be done to restore them?
The goal of the hackathon is to rebuild better, with the goal of building resilience. Nir Oz, February 2024. Photo: Christopher Farnworth

A wrap house: the project that proposes to build smarter and greener wrap houses

In a hackathon for the development of innovative construction solutions for the rehabilitation of the surrounding settlements, a project that proposes to build the homes that were destroyed in the Western Negev in a more environmentally friendly and efficient manner, which will create a high sense of security among the community, won
Seeds from the Garden Bank collection. Photo - Hanita Zemach, Director of Agricultural Research - Volcani Institute

Seeds of hope: how will the plant species damaged in the fighting areas in the Negev and the north be restored?

The Israeli Garden Bank focuses on collecting seeds of as many plants as possible that grew in the Western Negev territories and waits for the day when they can return and plant them
The Western Negev region abounds in a unique and unusual biological diversity of landscapes, flora and fauna. Photo: Yuval Neuman

Heavy shade: the effect of eucalyptus trees on anemones in the Western Negev

The many eucalyptus trees planted in the area have become an integral part of the landscape around Gaza. A new study examined their effect on anemones and other unique plants in the region and suggests reconsidering their planting, as part of efforts
Shalvan Kohler.  Reptilians have a pretty bad PR, and rightfully so. Shelven Kohler Photo: Ben Scharmeister

creeping rapidly towards extinction | angle

The report on the state of nature of the Marag points to a deterioration in the condition of reptiles in Israel. Who are the endangered species, and how can the trend be changed before it is too late?
Olive vineyard in organic farming. Photography: Raz Simon

More profitable agriculture: the method of growing olives that is good for the economy and the environment

A new Israeli study examined how different methods of agriculture affect the environment and the landscape versus the benefits for the farmer. The findings show that there is a method that makes it possible to both generate economic profit and preserve nature
The displaced people of the north. Photo: Yossi Zamir, Shatil Stock

Neither in the city nor in the forest: on the meaning of the fires in the urban areas of the north

The effects of fires in the middle regions of Israel: threats to biological diversity and dangers to humans
A destroyed house in the Gaza Envelope. Photo: Shetil Stock

Strengthen the economy and protect the environment: the economic model that will enable sustainable development

The adoption of the financial model that was used during the establishment of the state can help finance the sustainable development of the surrounding area and the north and the rehabilitation of Israel's economy. opinion
Bees return to the nest after collecting nectar in the spring. Illustration:

Small but important: this is how Israel protects the bees

We depend on them, and not just for the honey. International Bee Day is a great opportunity to make some buzz for bees, one of the most important animals on the planet
A typical LNG ship contains energy equivalent to 70 nuclear bombs. Illustration:

It is forbidden to build a liquid natural gas facility in Israel

The Turkish boycott emphasizes Israel's need for economic resilience. When discussing the stabilization of our economic position, one of the topics that comes up again and again is the contribution of natural gas exports to the economy. One of the ways to increase exports is construction
food waste Illustration:

Food for the masses: how reducing food waste will improve our food security

Millions of tons of food are thrown away in Israel every year, which affects food security - especially in times of crisis such as war. So how do you create nutritional resilience? Stop wasting food
One of the rainwater collection systems built by the team in April 2022. Photo: Engineers Without Borders team - Israel Tel Aviv

The water news: Can Israel help solve the global water crisis?

The global water crisis is getting worse, and over 2 billion people are expected to suffer from a lack of water by 2050. Meanwhile, Israel is accumulating enormous knowledge and expertise on water management, alongside a thriving ecosystem of companies
Environmental justice is good for health. Credit: The Science website, via DALEE

New study: exposure to a green environment reduces the chance of getting cancer

Studies have long shown that nature has many benefits that affect our physical and mental health. Now a new Israeli study has found that high exposure to a green environment may reduce the chance of contracting different types of cancer
Blacks also support Trump. Illustration:

Every big dog day? The people who hesitate to vaccinate their dogs

A new study reveals that about half of Americans are afraid to vaccinate their dogs, thereby risking the spread of rabies and other diseases that can harm the animal - and humans. And what is the situation in Israel?
Brussels, Belgium, February 21, 2019, 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg takes part in a march for the environment and climate organized by students. Photo:

The damage Greta Thunberg caused to the Israeli climate efforts

A new survey reveals that the statements of Greta and climate activists around the world against Israel had a negative impact on the position of about a quarter of the Israeli public on the issue of the climate crisis
Environmental solutions industry in Israel. The image was prepared using artificial intelligence and is not a scientific image

Especially now, it is important to invest in Israeli climate innovation

Opinion: The way to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the war is through Israeli environmental high-tech. Our climate innovation, and the response it offers to the decisions taken at the United Nations Global Climate Conference, can strengthen the economy
The "ZIM" company announced that due to the threats of the Houthis, it will route at least part of its cargo ships that arrive from the Eastern countries through a longer route around Africa. Illustration:

Thus the Houthi threat may increase the pollution of cargo ships

Beyond the security and economic implications, the Houthi threat to the Red Sea may also have significant environmental consequences, which will further increase the polluting footprint of the maritime transport industry
All 30 employees of the UBQ company live in the south, many of them in the surrounding settlements. Photo: UBQ Materials

From Otaf to Dubai

It is high-tech companies from the surrounding area that will represent Israel at the UN's global climate conference, which opened this week in the United Arab Emirates. Their managers talk about the professional and personal difficulties of the companies and their employees these days - and also about
The reputation of chains like SHEIN has been joined by a new accusation: anti-Israelism. Illustration: Hotpot

Buy clothes in November and keep a clear conscience

The claims that fast fashion chains like SHEIN are pro-Palestinian join the findings of investigations into the terrible working conditions in their factories and the enormous environmental damage they cause. So where should you buy clothes during the "shopping month"
Lizards and geckos of various species have developed a survival and defense mechanism that allows them to detach their tails to deceive predators. A gecko that shot its tail, photo: Muhammad Mahdi Karim, GFDL 1.2

What can be learned about resilience and restoration after a disaster from animals and plants?

In times of war it is not always easy to be strong or to imagine the day after, but various animals and plants teach us that it is possible to survive and show resilience even in hostile and challenging conditions. Many examples are offered
Visit of foreign journalists to Kibbutz Kfar Gaza. Photo: Government Press Office.

Experts: It is mandatory to treat dangerous infections created by the attack in the envelope

Experts warn that the severe attack of October 7 and the firing of rockets on Israel filled the surrounding area and other areas with toxic infections, exposure to which could significantly harm health. Therefore, the planned restoration is underway
The photographs of the children who were kidnapped from their homes to Gaza. From the headquarters website of the families of the abductees. #bringthemhomenow

Come to Israel, Greta, and tell the world what you saw

I read the identification you expressed with Gaza and Hamas, and I feel deep sorrow and pity for your painful blindness. We both live out of an environmental ideology, but while you were in a safe place - life
backpackers Investing in local communities. Illustration:

to travel for nature

How did your trip help the environment you were in? Get to know restorative tourism, which is not only harmless - but also helps nature and local communities during the trip. Food for thought for sand trips
The price of one etrog may reach 500 shekels. Illustration:

Etrog in danger: will it be impossible to grow etrog in Israel in the future?

The etrog is currently at risk due to the rise in global temperatures as part of the climate crisis, and it is possible that the day will come when we will no longer be able to grow etrogs in Israel - for the first time in 2,500 years
The siksak is a chicken whose wings are brown, the rest of its body is "painted" black and white, and its legs are long and thin. Photo: Reut Alon

Who is braver, the city bird or the country bird?

A new Israeli study examined the siksak, a common species of bird - and found that urban siksaks are braver than their rural brethren. Although we usually all appreciate this nice feature, it is possible
Neri's research focused on species of sharks and bats - important predators whose population has been significantly affected in recent years. Gray racket. Photography: Ilan Burnakash

Caught in the net: what fish in Gaza?

In the Gaza Strip there is no law or supervision against fishing for protected species - therefore, sharks and bats that are in danger of extinction are hunted there freely. A new Israeli study presents a method for collecting data from social networks that enables
Google search. Illustration:

The green side of Google

Google recently published its environmental report, which reveals significant energy savings in its operation, helping its users to act more environmentally and investments in sustainable ventures. Is the picture really so optimistic?
The success of the model can improve the study of bird migration. Pelicans, photo: Reot Alon

If birds were visible to the planes

A new Israeli study presents a solution to the many accidents between aircraft and winged creatures, and for the first time succeeds in identifying with the help of radar flocks of large birds, which until now were considered "invisible"
The youth who decide to take part in protest movements like these - deal with the issue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Photography: Ilan Bar

The climate crisis - the generation Z version

They are the children of the summer of 2023: a new Israeli study examined who are the Israeli youth who choose to take part in environmental movements - and found caring alongside high level climate anxiety, and also a clear demand
Oil drilling. Illustration:

The petroleum industry is destructive and destructive to Israel

Opinion: Despite the objections of experts and residents, these days the Prime Minister's Office is examining the expansion of the transportation of the oil of Ketsa'a; In light of the dangers involved in a course of this kind - it seems that our government has it simple
״החומר הזאח מגיב לתחממות המים: When their temperature rises הוא מטכוץ וכשהיא יורדת הוא מתרקב'. Credit: سانی لوستوب

عرض المزيد

At the graduate exhibition of the Bezalel Academy, the graduation theses dealing with environmental issues stood out for their presence. These testified to students full of ambition and innovative ideas, through which they hope to lead a change in thought and practice around the issue
Among the OECD countries, Israel is almost at the bottom of the list, in 34th place out of 38; And - did not achieve any of the 17 goals set until 2030. Illustration:

Indexes in indices: Israel is far from being a sustainable country

Not keeping up: a new Israeli study indicates that our country has fallen behind in meeting the UN's sustainable development goals. So what do we do? According to the author of the study, we cannot wait for a legislative change -
The colonies of a unique marine creature age in their entirety, rejuvenate again - and God forbid. Botrill flower, photo: Dr. Osherat Ben-Hamo

Phoenix of the sea

The animal that breaks the laws of nature: a new Israeli study reveals that the colonies of the flower botryll, a unique marine creature, age in their entirety - and then return to being young again. The phenomenon was named "Orshina Rhythm"
The government of Ukraine is working on a restoration plan that will focus on an environmental and ecological approach. Photo:, CC BY 4.0

The green restoration of Ukraine

These days, Ukraine is working on a surprising reconstruction plan for the moment after the end of the fighting: the country is not content only with the reconstruction of the ruins, but also seeks to rebuild itself in a more ecological and sustainable way
Mixing uses of commerce, public buildings and residences in an ultra-Orthodox city. Photo: Hadas Meir, as part of the sustainability and urban economy course of the Tel Hai Academic College

The environmental side of the ultra-orthodox

Opinion: Despite popular belief, ultra-Orthodox society has many more environmental characteristics than we would think. In these days of severe division in Israeli society, looking at the environmental aspect may lead to a rapprochement between
The research findings showed that those who cooperated in the games were more likely to report pro-environmental behavior. Illustration:

Collaborative environment

A New Zealand study reveals that people who tend to cooperate - also tend to be more environmentally friendly. All together, for the sake of the planet?
His groundbreaking research on corals and his environmental struggles to preserve them positioned Levia as one of the most respected researchers in Israel and the world. Photography: David Salem, Josip Productions

The researcher who fell in love with the coral reefs - and became a fighter for their preservation

A Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded as part of the 51st Annual Science and Environment Conference to Prof. Yossi Levia. In a celebratory interview, he talks about his love for the profession, the corals and the researchers who grew up in his laboratory - and also warns:
Green investments. Illustration:

Clean up the bank account

Most of us don't know this, but the money in our bank account, pension fund and investment portfolio finances companies and entities that harm the environment. These days, the "Ofek" credit union is on its way to becoming the first body in Israel where we can
We have something to do about it - at the national, research and personal level as well. Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

All streams go to the sea - and the sea is full of (bacteria)

The nightshade uses a complex defense mechanism to ward off unwanted eaters - but gives the bulbul a "secret trick" that allows it to enjoy its fruits and spread it further. Photo: Gil Kopilevitz

Protection from the plant

A new Israeli study reveals that the desert gorse, a common plant in the country, releases a pungency that prevents many animals from eating it - but gives the bulbul birds a "medicine" that helps them digest its fruits. And: how
A high voltage transmission line in the Israeli electricity grid. Illustration:

If we don't change direction, these blackouts will only multiply

Opinion: The large power outage we experienced at the beginning of the month may be a preview of what is to come for the Israeli electricity sector with the increase in the frequency of heat waves due to the worsening of the climate crisis. The solutions are in our hands, now
Even in Israel there are various endangered species and some of them are not defined as such in other parts of the world. Southern gerbil. Photo: MimoZig, CC BY-SA 4.0

An act in 29 species that are out of danger of extinction

At a time when animal species are disappearing at an alarming rate, new Australian research gives reason for hope, revealing that 29 native species have fully recovered - thanks to human actions
There is no scientific evidence to suggest any significant health risk to drivers and passengers due to the levels of non-ionizing radiation emitted by hybrid vehicles. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Who is afraid of the hybrid vehicle?

Many Israelis fear health damage that may be caused to them as a result of radiation emitted while driving in hybrid vehicles - even though these are known to be completely safe. What needs to be done for the public to stop being afraid and start adopting
Although pesticides are an important link in the modern food supply chain, in light of the dangers these substances bring with them, it is necessary to monitor their doses in our food. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A little more than you asked for on the plate

The State Comptroller's report indicates: the scope of the use of pesticides, which are designed to overcome the problem of pests, is increasing significantly - and harming the health of Israeli consumers. So what do we do? Learn to spray differently
"Garbage colonialism" is a term that describes the dumping of polluting materials by richer countries, in poorer countries. Photo by OCG Saving The Ocean on Unsplash

The end of the dirty move: Europe is changing its recycling laws

the grass is always greener on the other side? Only if we keep it this way: for many years rich countries have been "throwing" their garbage in the "yard" of other, poorer countries; But recently the European Union took
Soil transplantation is a method in which healthy soil is transferred to an area where the soil needs restoration. A plot where soil transplantation was carried out, near Munich. Photo: Wolfgang von Brackel

Organ transplantation - nature's version

When a human organ "breaks down" - it is sometimes possible to replace it with another one, but is it possible to replace contaminated soil with another soil? It turns out that it is: this method is called "soil transplantation", and a new international study indicates its effectiveness
Children explore the globe. Illustration:

When we need to redraw the globe

Earth Day, which falls on April 22.4, is an opportunity to look at our planet as it is today - because very soon, it will look completely different. A glimpse of how our children's and grandchildren's globes will look
Gazit is the winner of the Israel Prize in the field of environmental science and sustainability research, which is awarded this year for the first time. Prof. Avital Gazit. Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

From a child who grows tadpoles to a laureate of the Israel Environmental Prize

A true environmental pioneer: Prof. Avital Gazit, a leading researcher in the field of freshwater bodies - is the recipient of the Israel Prize for Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, which is awarded this year for the first time. "I don't get the award for being
What is the connection between orchardists and forest fires? Orchard in Kfar Saba Park. Photo: Bonnie Sheinman, KKL-Junk Archives

Wood against the fire

Did you know that trees can be very effective in preventing fires? Yes yes, this is not a contradiction: in a new Israeli article it is suggested to use orchards as a tool against the spreading fire. How is this move possible and will we soon see
The new study joins a series of studies that indicate that whales are important to us - even more than we thought. But do we protect them enough? Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

What is in the belly of the whale? carbon