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Tel Aviv University

For the first time, a clear connection between the appearance of Facebook and significant damage to the mental health of students in the USA has been demonstrated
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have improved and reduced the production process of the "green polymer" that may reduce the pollution of the plastic industry
Is the British monarchy in the midst of an existential crisis? Tel Aviv University researchers are investigating the issue
Prof. Yuval Ebenstein's laboratory was announced as one of the most advanced in Europe in the research and development of technological solutions for cancer
According to the researchers from Tel Aviv University, spot treatment with antibodies and their delivery to the body in high concentration can serve as an effective substitute for RNA vaccines, especially for at-risk populations and people with a weakened immune system
In the experiments conducted on mice, it was found that in the presence of the energy source (brain cells called astrocytes) the tumor was 100% fatal, and all the animals that got sick died within 4-5 weeks from the moment of its appearance. When the researchers eliminated the astrocytes, within a few days of starting the treatment, the tumor died and disappeared * A new method for curing one of the most violent types of cancer and other brain tumors
Researchers have discovered that corals also glow at depth to lure their prey
Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Seas and Lakes Research Institute in Haifa have developed a state-of-the-art technology that enables the growth of "enriched algae" in the nutrients, proteins, dietary fibers, and minerals for human and animal needs.
Researchers from the Technion and Tel Aviv University have developed an innovative method to engineer quantum entanglement in a crystal, using computational learning tools
As part of the study, the researchers characterized the psychological, social and medical condition of approximately 200 veterans and at the same time collected saliva samples from them. The research findings show that all those soldiers who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder have a typical picture of bacteria in their saliva. A third of them were not diagnosed
Prof. Ronit Sachi-Painero: "I believe that in the future the small molecule will be available and will make immunological treatment accessible and effective for cancer patients."
A new learning method may lead to a significant improvement in visual perception abilities * According to the researchers, improving the perception ability of people with autism is a difficult challenge, requiring the patients to undergo lengthy and tedious training alongside the difficulty characteristic of autism to generalize the learning to other areas
The researchers who cracked the fascinating physics of crumpled sheets of paper
According to the researchers: "The method is indeed very effective, but it is not always safe either. Sometimes chromosomes that have been cut in the procedure fail to recover and the stability of the genome is undermined - something that in the long run may even cause cancer"
The main factors and processes that affect the state of nature in Israel, as a result of human activity, were published
A study found that men who are in the sun eat more
The findings of a study conducted at Tel Aviv University indicate that the brain's response to sounds is powerful even during sleep, in all but one measure: the level of alpha-beta waves related to the degree of attention and attention. The meaning: in a state of sleep the brain hears the sound but fails to focus on it and form a full identification and conscious perception
Researchers have traced for the first time a unique process in the growth of tiny crystals, which could improve our lives and which may have occurred at the beginning of life
This is according to a study by Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University and the Ministry of Health, which included 40,000 residents in the "Protection of Fathers and Mothers" program
Prof. Erez Ben Yosef from the Department of Archeology at Tel Aviv University in a fascinating description of the elite's fashion in the tenth century BC, during the reigns of David and Solomon * from Tel Aviv University's Tel Aviv 360 podcast series
The results of the research by a team led by female researchers from Tel Aviv University showed that with the help of the new technology that the researchers developed, it is possible to control the production process of melanin in the laboratory, and obtain a pigment similar in its properties to biological melanin
Evolutionary mapping in chronic corona patients reveals the path to the formation of a variant * In immunosuppressed patients, chronic corona disease sometimes develops. The study found that the damaged immune system of these patients fails to eliminate the virus, which, on the other hand, develops over time mutations that confer resistance to antibodies and are more contagious
The increase in global trade allows the marine animals to migrate to distant countries to establish themselves and spread as invasive species - when they cause damage to many marine infrastructures and other animals in their new environment.
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