Comprehensive coverage

Dr. Moshe Nahamani

Scientists have succeeded in developing a feedback-controlled optical pickup consisting of highly focused laser light. This forceps can grasp clusters of cells in a controlled manner and rotate them in any direction. This approach will make it possible to more accurately examine tiny biological objects, such as cancerous tumors
Researchers have succeeded in developing a rapid detection test for the corona virus, this in order to meet the challenge of finding new variants and global containment of the epidemic
Nanodiamonds may be tiny, but they could help solve one of the biggest problems facing humanity today: climate change
The development of nanocomputers that will be used in precision health applications has been the dream of many scientists. Now, for the first time ever, Penn University researchers have succeeded in developing a type of nanocomputer capable of controlling the activity of a specific protein involved in cell movement and cancer development.
Researchers have used high-density nanofibers that mimic the brain's microenvironment to trap cancer cells in research that paves the way for the development of innovative therapeutic solutions for aggressive brain cancers
The British government plans to ease restrictions on gene editing in order to speed up research and allow genetically modified crops and stocks to reach the market * In any case, these are changes that could have been made in other ways, but at a much greater speed
It seems that the rate of development of small molecules as drugs for corona lags behind the rate of development of treatments using vaccines and antibodies
Prof. Ingrist Natural experiments help answer important questions for society. For example: people born in the fourth quarter of the school year have more years of education and higher income
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2021 was awarded to two researchers: Benjamin List (Benjamin List) and David MacMillan (David WC MacMillan) for "the development of asymmetric organocatalysis". (the news will be updated)
Half of the prize was awarded to Syokuro Manaba from Princeton University and Klaus Hasselman, the Max Planck Institute, who perfected the climate models, and the Italian Giorgio Frisi, who deals with the transition between simple and complex systems * Frisi said at the announcement event: "The understanding of the climate crisis rests on solid science" * The news will be updated with explanations the scientific of the Nobel Prize Committee
David Julius and Erdem Patapotian (born in Beirut, Lebanon) discovered the receptors TRPV1, TRPM8 made it possible to understand how heat, cold and mechanical force can initiate nerve impulses that allow us to sense and adapt to the world around us
A simple mechanism could explain the growth and self-replication of protocells - the putative ancestors of modern living cells
Researchers, trying to uncover the details of how plants produce and accumulate oil within them, have managed to identify a new essential component in this mechanism. They found a certain sterol - a molecule similar in its structure to cholesterol - that plays an essential role in the formation of oil droplets
Before Nazi Germany got hold of it, the Allies disrupted this plan and seized the uranium ingots that were at the heart of the plan. The fate of most of these ingots is unknown, but some of them ended up in the hands of the US and European countries. American chemists have developed a method to identify the mine from which the uranium came
A team of physicists from the University of Colorado has solved the mystery behind a well-known phenomenon in the nanoscale: why extremely tiny heating sources cool faster if they are packed more tightly
A magnet with a thickness of one atom in a two-dimensional structure developed by scientists from the University of Berkeley could advance the development of new applications in the fields of computing and electronics
Scientists have succeeded in combining a 'covalent organic framework' together with insulin and demonstrated that the combination can significantly reduce the blood sugar levels of diabetic mice * If the process is successful in clinical trials, it will be possible to dispense with insulin injections, and make the lives and balance of diabetics easier
The researchers from Harvard and MIT who developed an innovative device capable of detecting the corona virus in a saliva sample in about an hour claim that the reliability of the diagnosis is similar to that of PCR tests
An international team of astronomers has become the first research team to identify carbon isotopes in the atmosphere of a gas giant
In what has been cited as "the most significant contribution that artificial intelligence (AI) has yet made to the advancement of human scientific knowledge," DeepMind and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have released the most complete database for predicting the three-dimensional structures of human proteins.
Researchers from the University of Surrey have developed an artificial intelligence model capable of identifying chemical compounds that promote healthier aging - paving a possible path towards pharmaceutical inventions that could extend human lifespan
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