National Academy of Sciences

relocation. Illustration:

73% of faculty members fear that they will be forced to leave the country if the coup goes ahead

This is according to a new survey conducted by the Israeli Young Academy during the month of March. In the segmentation of the results by age, it can be seen that there is an increase in the chances of leaving at all ages, but it is more pronounced for faculty members

The Young Academy celebrates a decade and succeeds in giving a voice to the young researchers in Israel

A decade after its establishment, the Israeli Young Academy plays a central role in the academic system. Its members saved the careers of scientists during the Corona period, and how its membership changes the perception of those who will fill positions in the future
In the photo, from right to left: Prof. Noam Sobel, the guest lecturer; Bat-Sheva Shur, director of the scholarship program; Prof. Hermona Sorek, member of the Academy Committee for the Adams Scholarship Program; Mrs. Margaret Adams; Omar Grenk; Nitzan Ephraimian; Mr. Sylvan Adams; Ms. Linda Adams-Troy; Prof. David Harel, President of the Academy; Prof. Moshe Oren, Chairman of the Academy Committee for the Adams Scholarship Program; Dr. Julian Adams; Sitting in front: Matan Eilat; Aliana Shteinberg. Shir Cohen and Amir Borshtin are missing. (Photo: Courtesy of the Israel National Academy of Sciences).

The Israel National Academy of Sciences held the Adams Scholarships distribution ceremony for outstanding doctoral students

In the photo, from right to left: Prof. Noam Sobel, the guest lecturer; Bat-Sheva Shur, director of the scholarship program; Prof. Hermona Sorek, member of the Academy Committee for the Adams Scholarship Program; Mrs. Margaret Adams; Omer Grenk; Nitzan Ephraimian; Mr
The climate crisis. Image:

July 4 - Dozens of lectures on the climate crisis throughout the country

The Israeli Young Academy, in collaboration with "Bashar - an academic community for society in Israel" and the Israeli Association for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, will hold dozens of lectures on the topics of the climate crisis and global warming as part of the "Science and Environment Week"
Quality of Life. Illustration:

Quality of life is not just money

For the first time in Israel, new indicators will be introduced to measure the quality of life in the country to ensure the quality of life of the residents of Israel in the future, including social solidarity, green energy and a healthy environment, education for a healthy lifestyle, cultural activities and more
Prof. David Harel, President of the Academy of Sciences. PR photo

The Academy of Sciences elected Prof. David Harel as President and Prof. Margalit Finkelberg as Vice President

Also, 7 new members were chosen for the Academy, and they will join its ranks in a festive ceremony that will be held on Hanukkah
The science committee discussed the state of science report. From the right: member of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and chairman of the State of Science Report committee Prof. Rashef Tana, vice president of the Israel National Academy of Sciences Prof. David Harel, president of the Israel National Academy of Sciences Prof. Nili Cohen, director of the Israel National Academy of Sciences Ms. Galia Finzi. Photo: Dani Shem Tov, spokeswoman for the Knesset

Academy of Sciences report: Public investment in basic research in Israel must be increased

The third triennial report on the state of science 2019/XNUMX published by the Israel National Academy of Sciences was brought up for discussion before the Science and Technology Committee
Prof. Naama Barkai, Weizmann Institute.

Four leading scientists are joining the Israeli National Academy of Sciences this year

One of the causes of fear. FROM PIXABAY.COM

What makes us feel love or fear, and how do they affect our decisions?

Prof. Gil Kalai. Photography by Yorai Lieberman for the Yad Handiv Foundation

Six new scientists have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences

A view of Titan, a moon of Saturn. Is it suitable for life? Image: NASA and the European Space Agency

There are thousands of potentially habitable planets in the galaxy

Prof. Nili Cohen (left), President of the National Academy of Sciences, and her deputy Prof. David Harel

New President of the Israel National Academy of Sciences: Prof. Nili Cohen

Dr. Taleb Mukari. Photo: Ben-Gurion University

For the first time in Israel, a young science academy was established

Prof. Ruth Arnon, from Magali Copaxon, and the president of the National Academy of Sciences. Photo: Courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences

New President of the Israel National Academy of Sciences: Prof. Ruth Arnon

Albert Einstein. Photo courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences

Ask Albert - on Facebook!

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

The CEO of Vat and the CPA Stephen Stav has resigned from his position

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Israel: Recommendation to allow embryo cloning for research purposes