Hayadan > Archived June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
- Avi Blizovsky
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Segiv and three of his colleagues from the USA won the prize for their contribution to the development of self-assembling materials * The research opens the foundations for building much smaller chips and developing a completely new type of medical diagnostic products
- Ehud Amir
- 30 תגובות
What is the connection between the conspiracy theory about COVID-XNUMX and vaccines, chemtrails and the conspiracy theory about evolution and science in general? What does this connection say about the generic, stereotypical and one-dimensional way of thinking of the conspirators?
- Avi Blizovsky
- 6 תגובות
NASA and the US Department of Energy are funding the development of initial design concepts for a 40 kW FSP system that is planned to operate for at least ten years in the lunar environment
- The Hebrew University
In this disease, the body produces substances similar to those found in cannabis, which damage the kidney * University researchers have found a way to improve the medical treatment of diabetic kidney disease, which affects approximately 30% of diabetics in the world. The new method
- The Technion
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