June 29, 2022

Prof. Yaakov Segiv. Photo: Nils Lund, courtesy of the Weizmann Institute

Prof. Jacob Segiv from the Weizmann Institute - the first Israeli to win the Kovli Prize for Nanotechnology on behalf of the King of Norway

Segiv and three of his colleagues from the USA won the prize for their contribution to the development of self-assembling materials * The research opens the foundations for building much smaller chips and developing a completely new type of medical diagnostic products
Trust no one, the basis with which conspiracies are spread. Image: depositphotos.com

On the link between conspirators

What is the connection between the conspiracy theory about COVID-XNUMX and vaccines, chemtrails and the conspiracy theory about evolution and science in general? What does this connection say about the generic, stereotypical and one-dimensional way of thinking of the conspirators?
Fission power generation systems—seen in this concept illustration—could provide reliable power for lunar exploration aboard Artemis. Credit: NASA

Nuclear power on the moon: NASA selects a design idea for a power generation system by fission

NASA and the US Department of Energy are funding the development of initial design concepts for a 40 kW FSP system that is planned to operate for at least ten years in the lunar environment
The damage of diabetes. Image: depositphotos.com

"Thanks" to cannabis research: researchers have identified the development process of diabetic kidney disease

In this disease, the body produces substances similar to those found in cannabis, which damage the kidney * University researchers have found a way to improve the medical treatment of diabetic kidney disease, which affects approximately 30% of diabetics in the world. The new method