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Bar-Ilan president Prof. Aryeh Tsavan was elected chairman of the committee of heads of universities

"Together with my fellow university heads, I will work to strengthen the Israeli academy and strengthen its contribution to the country, its citizens and humanity as a whole." Says Tsavan upon accepting the position

Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Aryeh Tsavan. Photo: Bar Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Aryeh Tsavan. Photo: Bar Ilan University

The President of Bar-Ilan University, Prof. Aryeh Tsavan, was elected to serve as the Chairman of the Board of University Heads (WRA). Upon being elected to the position, Prof. Tsavan said that he sees this as an important mission that complements his work as a lecturer, researcher and university president. "Together with my fellow university heads, I will work to strengthen the Israeli academy and strengthen its contribution to the country, its citizens and humanity as a whole.

"Basic research and optimal teaching established the academy's position as the one who leads humanity in its constant pursuit of knowledge and as the habitat of generations of experts and expertise in all fields of knowledge. This is a wonderful time to be a man of science and a woman of science. Along with deepening understanding and adding knowledge, we also get to promote and produce practical and necessary solutions to humanity's fundamental challenges, and have an impact already now."

Prof. Tsavan has served as president of Bar-Ilan for about five years. He is an internationally renowned researcher and entrepreneur in the field of materials science and alternative energy. He previously served in the Air Force as a fighter pilot, he graduated from Bar-Ilan University in Chemistry (with honors) and completed his third degree at Bar-Ilan in Electrochemistry with high honors. After completing two years of post-doctorate at the National Alternative Energy Laboratory in Colorado, USA, he joined Bar-Ilan's senior staff. He was one of the founders of the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials at Bar-Ilan University, and was the first to head it.

Prof. Tsavan will replace Prof. Asher Cohen, president of the Hebrew University, who completed a full two-year term in the position.

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