First success of drilling in hard soil for the launch of the Rosalind Franklin vehicle to Mars in 2022

The European Space Agency conducted experiments on a twin vehicle to Rosalind Franklin, the vehicle that will fly to Mars as part of the ExoMars 2022 project - the drill managed to reach a depth of 1.7 meters * much deeper than any other Mars rover has ever attempted * in the hope that the fate of Rosalind Franklin will be better than that of the robot Shifriali that crashed as part of the Exo Mars mission in 2016

The twin of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosalind Franklin rover on Earth drilled and retrieved samples from 1.7 meters deep in the ground -- far deeper than any other Mars rover has ever attempted. Credit: Thales Alenia Space
The European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosalind Franklin rover's twin on Earth drilled and retrieved samples from 1.7 meters deep in the ground—much deeper than any other Mars rover has ever attempted. Credit: Thales Alenia Space

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosalind Franklin rover's twin on Earth drilled and retrieved samples from 1.7 meters deep in the ground—much deeper than any other Mars rover has ever attempted.

The success in collecting soil from hard rock and bringing it to the laboratory inside the vehicle is a promising milestone in the ExoMars 2022 mission.

"ההצלחה שחיכו לה זמן רב של הקדיחה של ExoMars בכדור הארץ היא ראשונה מסוגה בחקר המאדים", אומר דייוויד פרקר, מנהל החקר האנושי והרובוטי ב-ESA. הקדיחה הכי עמוקה שנחפרה במאדים עד היום היא 7 ס"מ.

The Rosalind Franklin rover is designed to dig deep enough, up to two meters, to access well-preserved organic material from four billion years ago, when conditions on the surface of Mars were more like those on baby Earth.

The replica, also called the ground test model, fully represents the vehicle that should land on Mars. The first samples were collected as part of a series of experiments in the Martian soil simulator located at ALTEC in Turin, Italy. The drill was developed by Leonardo, and Thales Alenia Space is the prime contractor for ExoMars 2022.

Rosalind Franklin's twin drilled into a well filled with a variety of rock and soil layers. The first sample was taken from a block of compacted clay of medium hardness.

הקדיחה בוצעה בפלטפורמה ייעודית עם נטייה של שבע מעלות כדי לדמות איסוף של דגימה בפוזיציה לא אנכית. המקדח השיג את הדגימה בצורת כדורית בקוטר של בערך ס"מ אחד ובאורך של שני ס"מ.

The drilling was carried out on a dedicated platform with an inclination of seven degrees to simulate collection of a sample in a non-vertical position. The drill obtained the sample in a spherical shape with a diameter of about XNUMX cm. Credit: Thales Alenia Space
The drilling was carried out on a dedicated platform with an inclination of seven degrees to simulate collection of a sample in a non-vertical position. The drill obtained the sample in a spherical shape with a diameter of about XNUMX cm. Credit: Thales Alenia Space

הקדיחה בוצעה בפלטפורמה ייעודית עם נטייה של שבע מעלות כדי לדמות איסוף של דגימה בפוזיציה לא אנכית. המקדח השיג את הדגימה בצורת כדורית בקוטר של בערך ס"מ אחד.

The Rosalind Franklin drill holds the specimen with a stopper that prevents it from falling during retrieval. When the sample is captured, the drill brings it to the surface and then to the laboratory inside the vehicle.

When the drill is fully retracted, the rock sample is dropped into a drawer at the front of the vehicle, which then goes inside and deposits the sample in a crushing station. The resulting powder is dispersed into ovens and containers that are intended to carry out the scientific analysis on Mars.

The Rosalind Franklin drill holds the specimen with a stopper that prevents it from falling during retrieval. When the sample is captured, the drill brings it to the surface and then to the laboratory inside the vehicle. Credit: Thales Alenia Space
The Rosalind Franklin drill holds the specimen with a stopper that prevents it from falling during retrieval. When the sample is captured, the drill brings it to the surface and then to the laboratory inside the vehicle. Credit: Thales Alenia Space

"ההשגה האמינה של דגימות עמוקות חשובה מאוד למטרה המדעית הראשית של ExoMars: לחקור את ההרכב הכימי — ואולי סימני חיים — של קרקע שלא הייתה נתונה לקרינה מייננת מזיקה", אומר המדען מפרויקט ExoMars חורחה ורגו.

המקדח של  ExoMarsהוא מכלול של מגנונים שמסתמך על כוריאוגרפיה אוטומטית של כלים ומוטות הרמה. "התכנון והבנייה של המקדח היו כל כך מורכבים שהקדיחה העמוקה הראשונה הזאת היא הישג יוצא דופן של הצוות", אומר פייטרו באיוני, ראש צוות הרכב של ExoMars.

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