The main asteroid belt. Image: NASA

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals the smallest asteroids yet found in the main asteroid belt

A group of 138 new asteroids, ranging in size from a bus to a stadium, has been discovered in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter by observations of the Webb Space Telescope
A planet with an atmosphere. The image was prepared using DALEE and is not a scientific image

Life beyond the earth? James Webb Space Telescope Probes Crucial Clues About Distant Planets

New research suggests that rocky planets orbiting red dwarfs may have stable atmospheres suitable for life, with promising evidence from the James Webb Space Telescope
An artist's rendering of the planet SPECULOOS-3 b orbiting its sun. The planet is the size of Earth, while its sun is slightly larger than Jupiter, but much more massive. Credit: NASA/JPL-CALTECH

Discovery of an Earth-sized planet orbiting the supercold dwarf star SPECULOOS-3

The SPECULOOS project revealed the existence of an Earth-sized planet around SPECULOOS-3, a nearby star similar in size to Jupiter and twice as cold as our Sun
Measuring the atmosphere of the planet Trappist-1b. NASA/MIT figure

Two new types of planets have been discovered by the Webb Space Telescope

For the first time, the temperature of a rocky planet was measured, as well as a planet similar to Jupiter but containing large amounts of heavy elements