Mount Sharp on Mars as photographed by Curiosity on the second day after landing. Credit: Ken Cramer, Universe Today

Curiosity received a "brain transplant"

The first two images of Gale Crater on Mars as seen from the cameras of the Curiosity spacecraft. The image on the left shows the shadow of the SUV on Mars.

Curiosity: Welcome to Mars

Joy at JPL headquarters with the safe landing of the Curiosity spacecraft on Mars, August 6, 2012. Photo: NASA TV

Curiosity landed safely on Mars

Seven minutes of horror, the process of landing Curiosity on Mars step by step. Image: NASA

Landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars - infographic

A cartoon demonstration of how ChemCam works.

What equipment do you take to Mars?

Gale crater topography (the colors indicate height according to the legend), the ellipse marks the landing site at the time of launch. Today she is much smaller. Credit: Anderson and Bell

What are you looking for in Gale Crater on Mars?

MSL descends over Gale Crater, the intended landing site. Image: NASA

End of Curiosity's landing phase

Curiosity. Illustration image - NASA

Dive into the atmosphere of Mars

Three generations of Madimai robots - on the right Curiosity, on the top left - Spirit/Opportunity and below it Sojourner. Image: NASA

Mars, a curious look in / Peter H. Smith

Curiosity spacecraft on Mars. An artist's perception. Image: NASA

NASA's Curiosity is launched to Mars today