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Meta IBM, Intel, the Hebrew University and CERN are among the dozens of entities that joined to create an alliance for safe artificial intelligence
IBM Quantum Heron introduces IBM's highest quantum computing performance ever, with 133 qubits and an architecture that improves error reduction by five times compared to its predecessor - Eagle
Dr. Aya Sofer, director of IBM's research laboratory in Israel, was a guest at the high-tech Silicon Club managers' forum: "Besides the many advantages, there are of course also challenges that are not easy, such as a built-in bias in models or data, or the creation of fake news and its use to bias public opinion. To combat these, we must adopt ethical information standards for the use of artificial intelligence - and educate consumers to use it critically."
As part of the collaboration, IBM will provide modern scientists with access to quantum computing systems, and they will learn how quantum computing technologies can be applied to problems that were previously intractable for classical computers.
The IBM Quantum System One computer is part of a ten-year research collaboration between the companies. Among the first research projects - a study to find existing drugs for Alzheimer's patients and other diseases, led by Prof. Michal Rosen-Zvi from the IBM research laboratory in Israel
The company also announced at the "Quantum Summit" a new quantum software - Qiskit Runtime - which handles error correction and mitigating background noise, which hinders the quantum processors from operating and providing reliable results
As part of its roadmap for the quantum era, the computing giant will introduce a quantum processor with 433 qubits this year, a processor with over a thousand qubits next year, and a processor with more than 2025 qubits and parallel work capacity in 4,000 - to take quantum computing out of the laboratory and into the practical world
The two companies will work to support big data applications, artificial intelligence, connected cars, digital transformation and robotics applications
"Researchers can accelerate their quantum computing work using our cuQuantum SDK on popular services or a new device based on the NVIDIA DGX system." says Hansen Huang, CEO of Nvidia"
The Israeli Newreality is the first chip start-up company in the world to be chosen to join IBM's AI Hardware Center * Dr. Mukesh Kahara, IBM: "The association with Newreality, which developed the unique AI-centric approach, is the type of collaboration we are looking for"
So said Scott Crowder, IBM's vice president of quantum computing. Crowder attended the ChipEx2021 conference. "Among other things, we can study how bacteria use their energy efficiently or predict the effects of events such as the blocking of the Suez Canal on the economy"
The computer, of the IBM System One type, includes a quantum chip of 27 qubits and a quantum volume of 32. It operates inside an armored glass case - like the one behind which the Mona Lisa is displayed - and at a temperature colder than that prevailing in outer space. One of the goals of the collaboration: to train reserves of researchers and developers for the age of quantum computing
IBM and Peru Mare's autonomous ship MAYFLOWER is expected to cross the Atlantic Ocean to collect environmental data
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