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Yom Kippur

We have already discussed the importance of the body known as "the funeral cadets". We will point here to another body called "the flowers of the priesthood". The flowers of the priesthood took a particularly prominent place in the issue of Yom Kippur, because in this ceremony the figure of the high priest rose, unlike other events that took place in the temple.
The ability to survive without food is one of the great achievements of our biology - but how does it work?
In honor of Yom Kippur and the chickens of atonement, we will answer the question of the Yosef family "We wanted to ask and can't find an answer - what is the function of the chicken's wings?"
Today's Hebrew calendar is actually the Babylonian calendar. In the days of the First Temple, the months were called by names such as Eitanim and Bol
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