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The molecule that carries with it a message of regeneration
Professor Hermona Sorek, one of the world's leading researchers of gene expression in the brain, was able to find, in collaboration with her research colleagues, a molecular mechanism that occurs in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, which does not occur in men and which explains the acceleration of cognitive deterioration in Alzheimer's patients
The living brain project of Dassault Systèmes makes it possible to develop treatments for epilepsy patients who do not respond to drugs, says John McCarthy, head of life sciences and health at Dassault Systèmes in an interview with the science website at the CES conference
A seminal 2006 article in Nature claiming that beta-amyloid protein was the main cause of Alzheimer's was found to be partially fabricated. Long years of attempts to develop medicines were lost in vain * Twenty more articles by the same author are now being examined
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists deciphered the molecular mechanism of "return to normal" and discovered that it is based on labeling proteins for destruction with a special code known as "SUMO"
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