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Gravitational waves

The analysis of the signal GW230529 picked up by LIGO shows that it originated from the merger of two compact objects, one with a mass between 1.2 and 2.0 times that of the Sun and the other with a mass slightly more than twice the first
The CSOs emit jets for 5,000 years or less and then die out. "The CSO jets are very energetic jets but they seem to end, the jets stop flowing from the source
Data from the Gemini North Telescope provide a possible explanation for the halting of the merger of a pair of supermassive black holes at the center of a galaxy
The European Space Agency gets the green light for the first space observatory of its kind, dedicated to revealing space-time vibrations.
A new theoretical analysis puts the probability that massive neutron stars harbor non-configurational quark nuclei between 80 and 90 percent. The result was achieved through massive computer runs using Bayesian statistical inference.
"The effect of gravitational waves on pulsars is very weak and difficult to detect, but we built the credibility of the findings over time as we collected more data," said Caterina Cazziano, NANOGrav team member and senior lecturer at Caltech.
NANOGrav Discovers Stronger Gravitational Waves Than Ever, Apparently Created by Pairs of Supermassive Black Holes
A significant development in thin layer technology could possibly improve the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors.
Gravitational wave analysis hints at the way black hole pairs are formed
A team of researchers from Australia recently made a new prediction about the strength of this gravitational wave signal. The new estimate is based on data from the MassiveBlack-II imager, which simulates a massive region of space that resembles a slice of our universe
The Hubble Space Telescope photographed a bright knot of gas hit by an invisible jet from the black hole, which is only 15 light years away. The black hole must have looked bright billions of years ago as a quasar, when our young galaxy was fed by lots of infalling gas. But after all this time the black hole is acting sporadically, unwilling to take a nap
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US and the Virago Gravitational Wave Observatory in Italy captured the gravitational waves from the death spiral and merger of a neutron star with a black hole, not once but twice. The findings were recently published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Researchers from Prague published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters an alternative model for dark matter based on MOND that succeeds in predicting the existence of the cosmic background radiation. This is a significant achievement that the MOND model has so far failed to explain, and for this it has received most of the criticism against it. the price? Two new fields in Teva. The authors of the article hope in the future to prove its existence with the help of the model's unique fingerprints on the gravitational waves.
A rare event that occurred in January 2020 still fascinates scientists, who are trying to learn about the structure of the neutron star with its help
A binary black hole merger probably created gravitational waves equal to the energy of eight suns * "Bang" in the Ligo and Virgo detectors is a signal for the source of the most massive gravitational waves ever
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