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"The observations will be made possible through the control we have developed over the wave nature of free electrons," explains Prof. Kaminer
Inspired by the winners of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, we will discuss Bell's theorem without introducing formulas and inequalities. In this article we will illustrate how experiments with entangled particles contradict the assumption that there are hidden variables and that quantum mechanics is indeed reliable.
Following the new Marvel movie "Doctor Strange in the Dimensions of Madness" which takes place in the Multiverse, I decided to break down in a short article the meaning of parallel universes and the reasons to believe in their existence. In my opinion, science surpasses any imagination, including Marvel's imagination.
In 1990 Penrose and Moroff hypothesized that the source of consciousness is in the fractal structure of the microtubules. The movement of the particles on the fractal is apparently explained with the help of the laws of quantum mechanics but this has never been proven. Now evidence of similar systems in the laboratory strengthens the hypothesis that the fractal forces the particles moving on it to obey the laws of quantum mechanics, but is this the cause of consciousness?
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