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Water Pollution

Special for the holiday: these are the stories of some of the most polluted places on our planet, which would not be harmed by a "Pesach cleaning". A dirty trip around the world
Researchers have succeeded in developing a flexible sensing sheet that is inside a pipe in order to continuously monitor the quality of the liquid in it. By measuring the voltage induced within a layer of carbon nanotubes, it is possible to determine the concentrations of various substances. This research could lead to significant improvements in the field of food quality and environmental cleaning
At the end of May, a red spill was reported in the banks of the Ambranaya River that spilled into Lake Pyasino, near the city of Norilsk in northern Siberia, Russia. About 20 thousand tons of oils (mainly diesel fuel) leaked from a fuel storage tank into the tributaries of the river. According to the reports, the leak occurred as a result of the thawing of "permafrost" - which caused the ground to sink and become unstable
When were the first water wells dug? Who was the first royal to sit on a toilet? What made the Parisians build sewers and when did we get the token that water quality is related to our health? We came to flood
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