Hayadan > light pollution
light pollution
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
Although light symbolizes progress, for green sea turtles it is the opposite of a miracle. Mapping the lighting on beaches shows that not all darkness needs to be banished.
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
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Prof. Oren Levy researches the timing of the reproduction of corals around the world and is surprised by Dioc. However the biological clock of the corals is not adapted to the volume lights
- Avi Blizovsky
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A new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy. According to the study, the fact that satellites have become smaller and cheaper allows more and more commercial companies and government agencies to send satellites into space, a situation that has led to growth
- The science service
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The 2022 State of Nature Report, Volume Trends and Threats, presents a snapshot of key factors and processes that affect the state of nature in Israel as a result of human activity. The Fabric is the national program for assessing the state of nature in
- Young Galileo
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Why was it easier for Galileo Galilei to observe the starry night sky than for us? Since in his time the light bulb had not yet been invented! It turns out that light pollution caused by artificial lighting is not only disturbing
- Elisef Kosman
- 2 תגובות
- The Technion
- 5 תגובות
- Avi Blizovsky
- 3 תגובות
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
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- You found Simon
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Even nature reserves are not protected from light pollution
- Dr. Asaf Rosenthal
- 19 תגובות
- Haifa University
- 8 תגובות
- Dr. Asaf Rosenthal
- 6 תגובות
- Dr. Asaf Rosenthal
- 4 תגובות
- The science service
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- The science service
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