Seawater desalination

At the center of the new invention is the use of a wind turbine of a type not many people are familiar with - a vertical axis turbine. Illustration: David Kaiser

spiritual desalination

A new Israeli invention makes it possible to dewater water with the help of a unique wind turbine whose axis of rotation is vertical, which operates without any use of electricity. This is to deal with the problem of the enormous energy consumption of the desalination process,
Sewage Treatment Institute in India. Photo: Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project.

Where will the water come from?

Some countries have met the challenge by pumping from natural sources of fresh water.

How can water desalination methods be improved?

The natural water cycle - no longer content with it

Is there no shortage of water in Israel?

Image a is an atomic force microscope (AFM) image of a polymer sheet whose dark spots are organic nanotubes. b is a transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of a sheet with sub-nanometer channels where the organic nanotubes are circled in red. On the right - magnification of a single nanotube. Photo: Ting Xu

Molecular polymer membranes

Warning sign against dangerous drinking water. From Wikipedia

Ben Gurion University research with implications for wastewater reclamation

Dr. Moshe Herzberg. Credit: Ben Gurion University

Prize for excellence in science for researchers from the Technion and Ben-Gurion

The polymer chains protect and shield the membrane surface below them

A revolutionary membrane for water desalination

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

In the face of an empty trough