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The length of the Amma section is about 300 meters, and it was uncovered in the excavations of the Antiquities Authority before the expansion of the neighborhood, funded by the "Arim" company for urban development and in the framework of the establishment of schools on the site at the initiative of the Jerusalem Municipality * Among other things, a coin from the second period of the great revolt of the Jews against the Romans was found in the Amma infrastructure - A few years before the destruction of the Second Temple
King Herod sought, in accordance with Roman policy, to integrate the Jewish kingdom under his leadership into the global culture of the Roman-Hellenistic Empire
In the past we pointed to the important family element found in the temple's musical system. This phenomenon was common in neighboring Egypt and Mesopotamia. So much so that it took shape towards the establishment of musical guilds with a family foundation. Turns out there were a lot of musical roles
From harp and violin, through bells, trumpets and of course up to trumpets - each instrument had special instructions during the Second Temple period
In the second temple in Jerusalem, sacrifices were made, twice a day, for the peace of the emperor and the peace of Rome, as a practice that spread from the time of the emperor Augustus onwards - a period corresponding to the reign of King Herod) and was associated with bravery in music, in a way that until then was considered as foreign worship
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