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Smoking cessation - about the relationship between smoking cessation and a balanced and healthy diet

The process of quitting smoking is considered extremely difficult and challenging, and all the experts in the field agree on this without exception. Therefore, when a person wants to give up the habit of smoking, he must start the process while being aware of the difficulties that may appear along the way, with the aim of improving the chances of success of quitting

Warning on a pack of cigarettes sold in the UK. From Wikipedia
Warning on a pack of cigarettes sold in the UK. From Wikipedia

The process of quitting smoking is considered extremely difficult and challenging, and all the experts in the field agree on this without exception. Therefore, when a person wants to give up the habit of smoking, he must start the process while being aware of the difficulties that may appear along the way, with the aim of improving the chances of success in quitting. In the article before you we will discuss the relationship between smoking and nutrition and we will provide you with some advice regarding how a balanced and healthy diet can maximize your chances of success. Pleasant reading and good health.

On obesity and failure

A significant part of the people who experienced the process גמילה מעישון and they failed, it is reported that the phenomenon of obesity played a central role in the failure of the process. There are many factors for the obesity that accompanies the detoxification process, among others the mental factor and the behavioral factor should be mentioned. The mental factor is actually the need to compensate for the lack of cigarettes, which are a comforting factor, while the behavioral factor is expressed in the need to put something in the mouth instead of the cigarette.
As a result, during detox we tend to consume larger amounts of food in an unordered manner and in addition to that we tend to consume foods that are considered "comfort foods" (meaning, of course, foods high in fat, sugars and calories). In order to deal with the phenomenon of obesity, which is a stick in the wheels of the weaning process, you must prepare for it in advance and thoroughly prepare the area for it.
be ready

Here are some tips that will help you fight the obesity suffered by many of those trying to quit smoking:

  • If you feel a strong need to put something in your mouth often, try to prepare cigarette-shaped sticks in advance, such as carrot sticks, celery sticks or deseeded cucumber sticks. The macalons can be packed for work and accompanied with dips consisting of low-fat cheese seasoned with thyme, cumin, hot paprika and more.
  • If you are not ready to give up snacking between meals, prefer to snack on baked snacks over fried snacks and, in general, prefer natural snacks such as fresh or dried fruits over industrial snacks.
  • In cases where you come to the meal starving, be sure to start eating with a salad portion while avoiding the use of mayonnaise-based sauces.
  • Drink more water between meals and before meals and avoid consuming sugary drinks or fruit juices.

fight constipation

Quitting smoking involves quite a few phenomena related to the functioning of the digestive system. The most well-known phenomenon is the phenomenon of constipation which is more pronounced in the first weeks of detox. The source of constipation is twofold since it is both a psychological effect and a physiological effect. In order to combat constipation, it is recommended to drink more water, to move more, to avoid restraint as much as possible, and to increase the consumption of fiber, which is found in abundance in the skins of vegetables and a very wide variety of fruits.

refresh and stay alert

Other symptoms that appear among those who quit smoking include heaviness, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. In order to alleviate these symptoms, it is recommended to avoid heavy and fat-rich meals and to prefer light and small meals more frequently than usual. For example, instead of three relatively large meals, it is recommended to spread the meals over the day up to six meals consisting of three main meals and three small meals in the form of fresh fruit, a diet milk delicacy, a delicious sandwich and more. Spreading the meals over the course of the day makes it possible to reduce the feeling of heaviness that often appears after a large and hearty meal.

focus on the goal

The detoxification process is a complex process that may take up a lot of mental resources and therefore it is recommended not to start it during a stressful or overloaded period. In terms of nutrition, it is recommended not to make drastic changes, such as adopting a completely different menu from the one you are used to or starting diet Extreme.

In conclusion, we would like to point out that it is very important to understand that even an increase of three kilograms is better than continuing to smoke and that in the long run it is easier to get rid of the extra kilograms than cigarettes. Successfully!

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