Comprehensive coverage

From Marie Curie to the next startup - safety and insurance

Marie Curie died of polonium poisoning, the radioactive substance she co-discovered. Every employee at a startup may find himself affected by an occupational disease, and not only those who work in the field of biotechnology, but also those who work from home

Marie Curie in a photograph from 1898. From Wikipedia
Marie Curie in a photograph from 1898. From Wikipedia

True, this is not the usual article, not another start-up that manages to break through the limits of imagination, goes to an impressive IPO or simply functions as a lively and kicking company that manages to change the world, no - this time we will talk about insurance and safety at work.

There are quite a few types of insurance, which offer us coverage in various cases, which we may come across during our lifetime. One of the insurances offers a solution in cases where you are engaged in a professional industry, which may be problematic, and include, within its framework, quite a few risks. These do not necessarily have to be immediate risks, or risks encountered frequently. Even if it is a risk whose chances are very low, safety coverage is very important, if only for peace of mind.

What does the insurance that offers such coverage include, and what professional risks can there be today, and especially in light of the innovative professions that have been glimpsed recently? About that, in the next article.

Insurance with coverage for professional risks
Among the types of insurance offered today there are life insurance and insurance that offers coverage in cases of various professional risks. This insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, provides the insured with financial compensation following damage caused to him as part of his duties. There are quite a few professionals who are constantly exposed to possible dangers. There are also professionals who, if they are injured in a certain organ, will not be able to continue in their position, a fact that may lead to severe financial damage. These can be teachers who have damaged their vocal cords and cannot continue their duties, and also pianists who have damaged their wrists and cannot play. Such injuries prevent the professionals from continuing their conduct and performing various actions within the scope of the job. The insurance provides them with financial compensation if they are indeed injured and helps them deal with the difficult period.

A professional, whose main job is based on the use of a certain organ or includes some function that may be impaired, can suffer severe financial difficulties if we cannot continue in his job. The main purpose of the insurance is to allow him to return to his routine as quickly as possible, even if it is not necessarily to his previous position. Many who were injured for some reason do not manage to return and function normally but choose a new professional path. Others have to spend a lot of money on treatment and rehabilitation so that they can continue to function normally in the same job/profession. The compensation offered to them as part of the insurance helps them in this and is therefore considered very necessary in a time like this, where there are quite a few new challenges and great difficulty in moving on.
Professional risks in innovative industries
Over the years, quite a few innovative professions have been added, which did not exist even a decade or two ago. These professions include various risks, which justify appropriate insurance that will offer the required compensation in case of injury. Below are some of the professions:

  • • Skyscraper cleaners - a profession from which the income is indeed high, but the high risk involved is not always worthwhile, if there is no appropriate risk insurance. This is a relatively new profession, mainly due to the large number of skyscrapers and tall buildings that pop up everywhere.
  • • Biotech workers - so it's true, Marie Curie didn't exactly work in biotech and it's true that 80 years have passed since then, but safety is safety and exposure to dangerous substances is exposure to dangerous substances - and boy, death from aplastic anemia caused by exposure to radium and polonium is not much better than death from malaria Caused because your start-up wants to bring hot water to third world countries.
  • • Hi-tech workers - the Internet also brought with it quite a few new professions and exposed those who engage in them to various dangers. More and more people today work in front of the computer and perform certain actions, which may harm the joints and the body in general. Prolonged sitting in front of the computer can cause eye problems, back problems and even obesity! Anyone who works in the Internet or in the computer industry in general is exposed to a great deal of physical danger, which may have an impact over the years and manifest itself in a way that is not direct.
  • • Work from home - maybe it's a bit funny to say, maybe it's based on old sayings, but it makes sense - if you are freelancers, programmers, young entrepreneurs who are now working on the next start-up - remember - most accidents - happen at home.
  • The selection of appropriate insurance that offers the required compensation in the event of an injury resulting from the position or profession itself, is important to be done as early as possible and with insurance companies that specialize in this. Whether it's skyscraper cleaners or even app developers, each job has other risks that it's important to have coverage for in the event of an injury.

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