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Quantum physics

In existing quantum computers, qubits are like a cat locked in a box with poison that has a 50% chance of being released, so the cat is both "alive" and "dead" until the box is opened. The last experiment can be compared to a situation where four events - "the cat is dead or not", "the poison is released or not", "the poison is emitted or not", "the atom is triggered or not" - occur in the superposition of four different time orders at the same time
Researchers at the Technological Innovation Institute (TII) in the United Arab Emirates have discovered a way to model the complexities of these calculations that can be scaled up to a full-sized quantum computer. The research allowed them to create more secure encryption designs
The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded this year to Giorgio LaFerrisi for his scientific contribution in understanding complex systems alongside climate researchers. The prize committee decided to focus on the solution he proposed to the spin-glass problem on the grounds that this model is able to explain many phenomena outside the physics of materials. What is a spin-glass phase and what is Frizi's contribution to the theory?
Researchers from Tel Aviv University, the Technion and MIT have teamed up to shed new light on quantum theory in a new series of studies
In 1990 Penrose and Moroff hypothesized that the source of consciousness is in the fractal structure of the microtubules. The movement of the particles on the fractal is apparently explained with the help of the laws of quantum mechanics but this has never been proven. Now evidence of similar systems in the laboratory strengthens the hypothesis that the fractal forces the particles moving on it to obey the laws of quantum mechanics, but is this the cause of consciousness?
Researchers from Tel Aviv University, the Technion and MIT teamed up to shed new light on quantum theory
Where is the quantum in quantum mechanics? It turns out that nature is not discrete at all, as long as there is nothing to force it to be so
The most famous quantum equation was published in 1926 on just two pages. What does she describe and how did Schrödinger think of her?
What is spin? And where did the idea come from? This is a story about small steps, witty guesses and a fight against giants
More than 70 years ago, scientists in the field of physics came up with an idea to use magnetic fields and an atomic property called spin in order to put a body in two places at the same time. Now, a research group from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has succeeded in implementing the idea and has even proposed an advanced version of the device that will provide future answers to one of the central questions in physics: Is there a connection between quantum theory and gravitation?
Every week we will delve deeper into a physical idea known in popular literature and bridge the gap between what is shown in the media and what science really states. This time we will start with wave-particle duality, an elusive concept that sometimes raises more questions than answers, but in truth has long ceased to worry scientists
Researchers from Tel Aviv University were able to describe for the first time a rare physical process that begins with the Higgs boson - the "divine particle" that was first observed about a decade ago - and eventually decays into a pair of rare elementary particles * New observations from the Sarn particle accelerator in Switzerland helped researchers understand the process more clearly
The XNUMXs were the years when quantum theory entered the mainstream of physics and brought science and technology to new heights
Led by researchers from the Institute of Physics at Princeton University, an initial discovery has been published that strengthens the controversial hypothesis that the electron is made up of two elementary particles: one carries a negative electric charge and the other the electron's spin. If the interpretation is indeed correct, the assumption that is more than a century old may be erased and make waves in the scientific community.
The researchers were able to directly observe the entangled quantum state of two mechanical drums, each with a size close to the diameter of a human hair.
Last Tuesday, the Premilab laboratories in the United States announced that the muon's magnetic moment does not match the theoretical calculations. The experiment conducted in the state of Illinois confirms the anomaly that was discovered several years ago. Is this evidence of a new fundamental force in nature?
After almost two decades accompanied by technical and financial challenges, on the XNUMXth of April we heard, perhaps, exciting news from Permilab Laboratories in the United States. The experiment run for the second time was set up to measure the muon's magnetic moment and if a deviation is detected, even the smallest, it may hint at a new elementary particle in nature
A new record in the measurement of the gravitational field was broken in a study recently published in the prestigious magazine Nature. Measuring gravity on a microscopic scale, which is significantly weaker than the other forces in nature, is a huge technological and scientific challenge. However, gravitational experiments at the atomic scale are critical to understanding the quantum nature of gravity. In the future, will we be able to stretch the limits of the experiment to single micrograms?
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has announced that the Large Hadron Collider has discovered four new particles, but what has changed? Since the accelerator was first activated in 2009, 59 new particles have been discovered, including the famous Higgs boson that was discovered in 2012. Although most of the new particles were discovered in accordance with expectations, some of them were particularly surprising
In a joint study by researchers from Germany and Poland, a time crystal in action was filmed for the first time. The micrometer crystal consists of mechanisms at room temperature. Using X-rays, the researchers from Berlin recorded the magnetization of the crystal over time and recorded its cyclic behavior
In 2010, Edward Witten delivered a lecture to the general public on behalf of the IAS (Institute for Advanced Studies in the USA) on entanglement theory and quantum mechanics. In this article, we will convey the main points of his words with specific extensions
Researchers around the world are looking for an explanation for the mystery of dark matter and the problem of hierarchy. The two problems seem completely different, but according to researchers from Johns Gutenberg University in Germany, both can be solved with the help of a compact fifth dimension. The estimated model does not contradict the experimental data discovered in current accelerators and predicts a new particle with a mass of 30TeV that may be discovered in future accelerators
Innovative navigation technologies that do not depend on cellular or satellite communication, rely on measuring the acceleration of atoms using cold atom interferometers. Recently, Weizmann Institute scientists have increased the measuring range of these devices a thousandfold
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