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Nano technology

A team of physicists from the University of Colorado has solved the mystery behind a well-known phenomenon in the nanoscale: why extremely tiny heating sources cool faster if they are packed more tightly
A magnet with a thickness of one atom in a two-dimensional structure developed by scientists from the University of Berkeley could advance the development of new applications in the fields of computing and electronics
A flexible sensing system developed at the Technion will help speed up motor rehabilitation, identify diseases at an early stage and improve robot performance
The research work was published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Photonics, which was led by a group of researchers from the Department of Applied Physics and the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Hebrew University. "A breakthrough, it's a dream!", the researchers excitedly announced following the findings
A new and unique museum of its kind in Israel will be launched at Bar-Ilan University: the Nano Museum * will open with the exhibition: "New Languages"
The research deals with a two-dimensional material, a single atom thick layer of boron and nitrogen atoms arranged in a cyclic hexagonal structure. During the experiment the researchers were able to break the symmetry of this crystal by artificially assembling two such layers
"The technology we developed is based on monitoring volatile particles emitted from the human body," explains Prof. Hussam Haik. "Today it is clear to us that such particles indicate different physiological states, and the question is which particles to focus on and how to monitor them."
In a study recently published in the prestigious journal for physicists, researchers from Europe reveal how the cough cloud spreads in a closed space under realistic conditions and the findings are surprising
The research group of Amit Meller from the Technion won a special grant from the European Union designed to accelerate an innovative technology for drilling nanometer nozzles in a material using a laser beam. The final device will be used for the analysis of a single molecule for the rapid diagnosis of diseases, including COVID-19
Bar-Ilan University researchers are using gold stick nanotechnology for spectrophotometric scattering to identify killer and rescue cells used in the immune system
Transistors based on carbon and not on silicon will be able to accelerate the speed of computing and reduce the energy consumption of devices such as computers, mobile phones and the like
The Innovation Authority has recently accelerated the issuance of the calling voices intended for academia and the high-tech industry. Here is what they published last month:
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