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Biological computing

The field of DNA-based computing is considered one of the most promising directions in the world of information today, since a single gram of DNA may store enormous information within it, it will be possible to save a lot of energy and store a much larger volume of data
While silicon computers have changed the face of society, they are still dwarfed by the brains of most animals. For example, a cat's brain stores 1,000 times more data than an average iPad and can use that information a million times faster. The human brain, with its trillion neural connections, is capable of 15 quintillion operations per second
The program will focus on building infrastructure and developing capabilities in areas such as bioengineering devices, bioprinting, tissue engineering, environmental microbiome, synthetic biology and more...
Scientists from Ben-Gurion University have developed an algorithm that locates sequences in DNA, with the help of which the hereditary material can be replicated in the cell. This multidisciplinary method will enable the design of personalized innovative drugs in the future
The development of nanocomputers that will be used in precision health applications has been the dream of many scientists. Now, for the first time ever, Penn University researchers have succeeded in developing a type of nanocomputer capable of controlling the activity of a specific protein involved in cell movement and cancer development.
Technion researchers have developed a synthetic biological system for pattern recognition based on bacterial communities according to the design rules of artificial neural networks
A study published in Nature Nanotechnology led by Prof. Danny Porat of the Hebrew University demonstrated for the first time the conduction of a significant electric current over a long distance in DNA molecules. The discovery is currently used as a basis for the development of a detector that can sensitively and quickly detect cancer markers and even the corona virus
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