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Between science and science fiction on television

Television creators have always liked to deal with science and technology, but it seems that in recent years the subject has received more attention. Here are some series to watch out for

The poster of the "Hanik" series. From Wikipedia. They teach the history of medical science.
The poster of the "Hanik" series. From Wikipedia. They teach the history of medical science.

Science photographs well and with the help of computer effects it can also be presented in a convenient, accurate and colorful way. Television and film creators like to engage in science and technology in order to bring to light their most hidden ambitions.
This is also the reason why most of us are used to being skeptical of scientific content on television, even though in practice there are many series in which considerable resources are invested in research and data collection. Reliable contents upgrade the series and movies and make them a source of inspiration even for true science enthusiasts.

What did a hospital look like in 1900?

there are a few New series which prove that the connection between science and imaginary science on television is smaller than is commonly thought. The series "Hanik" for example shows the development of medicine at the beginning of the 20th century. The series created by Steven Soderbergh depicts the day-to-day running of a New York hospital in the year 1900, including interracial conflicts, chauvinism and social disparities. The series is currently at the peak of its second season, but it is recommended to start with the first episodes to connect with the plot.

While watching the series, we are exposed to how modern medicine has developed. Among other things, the viewers see closely how the doctors learned to use X-rays, or what stages they had to go through until they learned how to deal with a cesarean birth. All of these are contents that were previously difficult to find on the small screen, mainly due to budget considerations. "Hanik" was produced under the close supervision of doctors, experts and historians and serves as a fertile ground for fascinating research.

Science and technology in the children's world

Original productions and series of Educational 23 manage to bring the subjects of science and technology into the children's world as well. The program "The Diggers" for example presented by Dodo Erez deals every week with interesting topics, which usually do not receive the attention they deserve. The handling of the complicated content is at eye level with the children and there are quite a few adults who highly recommend the program.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the series "Galileo" which aims to reveal phenomena, inventions and answers to questions on a variety of subjects. Every program the children receive interesting information about popular science, medicine, sports, nutrition and of course technology and transportation. The uniqueness of the program is the fast pace and the way in which it is possible to understand how the various technological elements are used by us every day.

The series "What is a muse in the laboratory" directed by Yaron London continues the line of making content from the field of technology and science accessible. In each program, London and children aged from elementary school to middle school are hosted by an artist or a professional, who invite the viewers to share their rich world. The series is mainly conducted on the basis of an open discussion, but occasionally videos are also shown. Yaron London himself is experienced in children's programs and in the new program he is doing well in his role.

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