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between imagination and reality

How does the field of psychology manifest itself in the television and film industry and how is all of this related to the election period for the Israeli Knesset that we are in these very days?

The effect of a film on viewers. Illustration: shutterstock
The effect of a film on viewers. Illustration: shutterstock


What is the direct and indirect influence that the film and television industry has on the way we perceive reality? How do the different TV series and the different movies affect the way we formulate our deepest opinions, dreams and desires? How does the field of psychology manifest itself in the television and film industry and how is all of this related to the election period for the Israeli Knesset that we are in these very days? About that and more in the following lines.

The human soul - the most common raw material in the film and television industry

Since time immemorial, the human soul has been a source of inspiration for artistic works in the literature, film and television industries. Throughout the years of human history, artists, creators and media people have tried to trace the human soul, and this from the attempt to examine the mysteries of the human mind and from an attempt to understand what is the delicate and sensitive mechanism that activates the human soul.

Even today, thousands of years after the invention of the script, hundreds of years after the invention of the script and decades after the invention of the verbal (radio) and visual (television and cinema) transmission technologies, countless creators, artists and media people continue to examine the human soul and all this while building characters and writing such scripts and others dealing with essential issues in the life of the protagonist and the people around him in the film or series they create.

Today, a large part of the creators in the film and television industry, use the professional services of professionals from the field of psychology, and all this in order to characterize the mental processes of their hero in the most accurate way. In some cases, the creators themselves sign up for the track Psychology studies, and this in order to get to know the most essential issues that affect the human soul, and all this for the purpose of writing and creating content with added value for the viewers.

The fascinating journey that the creators take on the way to create the various contents intended for entertainment and pleasure, incorporates within it a deep creative process that reveals to the viewer the deepest thoughts the hero faces, all through the presentation of various situations within the plot of the film or television series he is creating. At the end of the procedure, the purpose of the journey into the hero's soul is intended for the needs of creating identification on the part of the audience with the character of the hero and the various considerations accompanying his manner of behavior and actions, and as a result of this, this produces a direct or indirect effect on the way in which each and every one of the viewers formulates his opinions and dreams.

Characterizing the character of the hero is a procedure applied in a wide variety of media fields, starting from the construction of central or secondary characters in one or another movie or characters starring in a television series, through creating additional value for a commercial product or service intended for marketing and advertising needs, to the creation of a "political figure" that they are trying to market We have advertising and image people.

In conclusion, a large part of the filmmakers, the television and the advertising industry, make use of psychological techniques intended for the purposes of creating identification with the products and services they are trying to market to us, whether it is the hero character in the movie or the television series or whether it is a character that is actually a product, service or even a politician trying To influence the way we think, and this in order to create an identification between us and what they are trying to sell us.

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