Comprehensive coverage

February 2, 2022

The incoming president of the Israeli National Academy of Sciences, Prof. David Harel, is trying to dispel this dichotomy. In a conversation with the science website, he explains that, among other things, he intends to reduce the gap between those who support science and those who despise it
In a new study it was discovered that the reason for the occurrence of the "Little Ice Age" was actually overheating in the period that preceded it. Could the extreme cold return a second time nowadays due to the increase in global temperature and how is this related to the weakening of the Gulf Stream?
Review of scientific experiments and technological demonstrations that will be carried out by Eitan Stiva in the sky mission. Out of 31 missions approved. Third review in a series that also includes four experiments of high school students selected for the flight
Surprisingly, there is a scientific basis for the ability to regrow fingers - also in humans
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