Comprehensive coverage

December 7st, 2021

Prof. Avi Leib claimed following the discovery of the first bone that arrived clearly outside the solar system that it was an artificial bone; In early 2021, other scientists proposed the claim that it was a nitrogen glacier that broke away from a planet in formation in another solar system. Leib and his research partners published a response paper arguing that there is not enough nitrogen in the galaxy to sustain such objects. The debate continues.
A new study examines the social role of diseases in the 17th century, through a discussion held before the head of the Jewish court in Egypt, dealing with the appeal of a Jewish gentleman who suffered from life-threatening melancholy due to the accumulation of sperm due to his wife's physical distance
In a new study by a team of researchers from the University of Tokyo published in the journal Current Biology, three different chemical compounds were identified as being responsible for the fruity body odor that the male lemur emits during the annual breeding season to become more attractive and attract potential mates, just like humans use perfumes.
Prof. Naim Shahada, chairman of the "Galile Literature" project, on numbers, studies, challenges and strategies
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