July 19, 2021

Six cyclones at the south pole of Jupiter, as captured by the infrared lens of the Juno probe in February 2017. Beautifully arranged and shaped like a rose cake. Source: NASA

The mystery of Jupiter's cyclones

They are powerful, they are the size of Australia and no one imagined them until a few years ago - what is the secret of the storms at the poles of the largest planet in the solar system?
The palm oil fruit, the fruit from which the oils used in the food industry and as biofuel are extracted. Illustration: depositphotos.com

"Biofuel" as a cause of deforestation

Description of the transfer process for a two-dimensional semiconductor together with nanoprinted contacts (left) and a photo of a transparent, flexible substrate with the structure transferred to it (right) [Courtesy: Victoria Chen/Alwin Daus/Pop Lab]

An innovative method for manufacturing extremely thin and flexible electronic components

Until now as too elusive, but researchers from Stanford University claim that they have succeeded in bringing about a breakthrough in this field