Comprehensive coverage

January 31, 2021

In an article recently published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, scientists working in the field call for the establishment of an "international parasite project", which will include a concerted effort to discover, sample, document and research the world's parasites. According to the authors of the article, thanks to such a project it will be possible to reach a situation where half of the world's parasites will be known already in the next decade - instead of it taking decades or even hundreds of years.
Prof. Aryeh Tsavan, the president of the university, told Dr. Zaks in their conversation: "Through this degree, we wish to express the deep appreciation we have for each and every member of the dedicated and impressive team you lead, for your life-saving work, a work that brought deep hope to all the inhabitants of the world and a deep and special pride To all the citizens of Israel, who rightfully see you as one of our own"
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