Comprehensive coverage

October 20, 2020

It is an effective mechanism that developed independently and simultaneously, in different groups of animals during evolution and in different forms. The big questions that remain open about most toxins is what is their origin, how are they produced in the living body and how did they evolve evolutionarily?
In a report published yesterday, it was stated that the State of Israel has set long-term goals for the scope of electricity production from renewable energies and for expanding the use of electric vehicles. The audit findings show that there are barriers that make it difficult to achieve these goals
According to the report published yesterday, in 2020 the rate of energy efficiency The expected rate of efficiency in electricity consumption in 2020 was 7.5% compared to a target of 20% set in 2008 * Only 2% of the buildings under construction received green building standard approval
Many countries in the world are investing money to provide work for those affected by the corona virus, and to restore nature after realizing that the climate crisis and the destruction of nature were the fertile ground for the development of the corona virus
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