Comprehensive coverage

September 30, 2020

It is possible that the ineffectiveness (of the quarantine) is due to infection at home, but it will certainly require an extension of the quarantine to obtain a satisfactory effect," the researchers note in the report
In a new study published today in the scientific journal eLife, the researchers from Prof. Noam Sobel's laboratory at the Weizmann Institute showed that women who suffer from repeated and unexplained miscarriages perceive men's body odors differently than other women. These findings may point to new directions in the search for the causes of recurrent miscarriages and their prevention.
One of the genes, called ATOH1, was found for the first time in the world to be involved in deafness. Family members in Israel are the first people in the world to be found to have a mutation in this gene - which is responsible for hearing loss
NeuroHelp, the recently established start-up company that received a license for the development and commercialization of the technology, is a portfolio company of the Oasis Accelerator, of the 360 ​​Entrepreneurship Center of Ben-Gurion University
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