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September 25, 2020

"If rocky planets exist around white dwarfs, we should be able to detect signs of life on them in the coming years," said co-author Lisa Keltenger, associate professor of astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Carl Sagan Institute.
At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion, a world record was set for light intensity
Siegel asking "Where is there more chance in the stock market or the lottery. And if there is more chance in the stock market: why do we play the lottery?" The answer is unequivocal - in the stock market. And why only people like Sheldon Adelson can make money in the casino
An autonomous military drone that is pulled out of a soldier's backpack when needed, a dog robot that patrols around the base for security purposes - these are two recent developments, what can they indicate about what is expected of us?
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