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Less conventional study paths that are worth getting to know

informal education. Photo: Andy Barbour, PEXELS
informal education. Photo: Andy Barbour, PEXELS

Law, communication, political science, psychology, are all known and talked about academic study tracks.
But if you are in the preliminary stage of making the decision regarding a course of study in which you wish to integrate, it is recommended that you also familiarize yourself with the less talked about courses - which are not necessarily less interesting.
It is important to remember that the choice of the track is a step that will greatly affect your occupational future. Therefore, it is of great importance that you take this step, only after you have thoroughly examined all the options offered - as mentioned, even the ones you may not have heard of until this moment.
In order to help you even a little, below are some of those routes:

informal education

Education is not limited to learning within the walls of the school and there are quite a few different educational frameworks and processes that take place outside of that framework. In this course of study, which is often one of the courses for choosing a degree in education, tools are given for guiding groups, community work, etc.. The students learn to get to know the various organizations that belong to the category of "informal education", learn to know their work and their importance. This is a track that combines theoretical courses with workshops and practical experiences.
In terms of employment options, the graduates of the track can integrate into a wide variety of interesting jobsinformal education And among others: training and management in community centers, youth movements, volunteer organizations, associations, teaching in anthroposophical and democratic schools, etc.

marine sciences

If you are attracted to the world of science studies, it is important that you also familiarize yourself with the marine sciences track.
The sea turns from our backyard where we threw all the waste into an important resource. We are all following with concern the effects of the climate crisis, the depletion of fisheries and the filling of the sea with plastic waste, also the rapid development of gas resources pollutes not only the air but also the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, to understand how sea level rise will affect us, some delve into marine archeology - settlements that were once on land and were covered by water.
This route can be suitable for anyone who is interested in taking part in the same development process and on the way there, to get a deeper understanding of the life, the vegetation and the still elements that are part of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is important to note that today there is a demand for degree graduates, also in biotechnology companies and government research institutes - so that graduates of a marine science (oceanography) degree will be able to integrate in a fairly simple way at work.

Bachelor's degree in insurance
Yes, today, those who want to engage in insurance and possess the most extensive and comprehensive professional knowledge in the field, will be able to achieve their goal within the framework of a bachelor's degree in insurance. The studies provide far-reaching and comprehensive knowledge in the field of insurance and also touch on areas that are considered tangential such as: economics, law and management.
It is important to note that, unlike other study tracks for a bachelor's degree. The studies in this track last only two years and, for the most part, the studies take place in the afternoon and evening hours - so even those who work, even full-time, can register for studies and meet all the required obligations.

East Asian Studies

In recent years, we have heard quite a few stories about the success and growth of East Asian countries, of which, of course, China is the first, but to which are also added other countries such as Malaysia, which Intel recently announced (December 2021) about an investment of 7 billion dollars in a chip testing factory. When, these stories, alongside the fact that, according to many predictions, in the coming years, the Western control of the world economy will weaken and at the same time, the control of the East will strengthen, can "push" quite a few future students towards East Asian studies. Graduates of this degree can integrate into various positions in the world of business, teaching, tourism, media and more... or continue in academia for advanced degrees.

As mentioned, these are only a small part of the optional study tracks and the list of options is long and varied. Therefore, in order to choose the first route, the recommendation is to understand in the first stage, your expectations both from your studies and from the future fields of occupation, to which you are aiming. In the next step, you should conduct a comprehensive search regarding all those study paths that have even the smallest potential, to provide an answer to your full requirements, expectations and needs.

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