
An IDF tank convoy enters the Gaza Strip on October 29, 2023. Photo from the IDF spokesperson's website

New study: "Gaza and Ukraine are separate conflicts, but conspiracy theorists try to connect them on social networks"

An Australian researcher who monitors expressions of hate on social networks analyzed about 12 thousand comments, and who is to blame for every trouble in the world? That's right, the globalist Jews
A war with iron swords Kibbutzim in the Gaza Strip Reim parking lot at the place where a mass party took place and about 260 young people were murdered Photo by Kobi Gideon / GPO

How to deal with a routine of war and how to preserve the children's optimism?

The surprise and speed with which things happened, and the ignorance regarding the fate of many people, arouses tension and distress in all of us. Bar-Ilan University's mental support team offers several ways to help us deal with
The photographs of the children who were kidnapped from their homes to Gaza. From the headquarters website of the families of the abductees. #bringthemhomenow

Come to Israel, Greta, and tell the world what you saw

I read the identification you expressed with Gaza and Hamas, and I feel deep sorrow and pity for your painful blindness. We both live out of an environmental ideology, but while you were in a safe place - life
Forty babies were murdered in a massacre in the Gaza Strip, 7/10/2023. From the social networks as part of an awareness project to the world.

Stand up against terrorism and violence: a call to the international scientific community

A letter sent by the top of the Weizmann Institute to colleagues in academia around the world requesting that they not evade the condemnation of terrorism on 7/20/32
One of the dozens of children and babies kidnapped to Gaza during the invasion and massacre by Hamas terrorists in Israeli settlements on October 7, 2023. From the social networks

How did Israeli intelligence miss Hamas' preparations for an attack? An American counter-terrorism expert explains how Israeli intelligence works

Javed Ali, Associate Professor of Counterterrorism, Domestic Terrorism, Cyber, and National Security at the University of Michigan answers questions THE CONVERSATION
War in southern Israel, October 2023. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Israeli heads of universities call their colleges to ease antisemitic

The committee of heads of universities sent a letter to its colleagues in the world to act against anti-Semitism during the war (document inside)

What can be learned from chimpanzees about human aggression

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Doctors are also forced out of work under the threat of missiles

A refugee camp in Darfur. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Climate change can cause wars

The conflict in Darfur caused by the drought in Sudan that caused Arabs with herds to occupy African villages is only the first swallow in the conflicts that will be caused by global warming, states an expert on arms control and international security from the USA
Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Boeing began firing high-energy laser beams from airplanes

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

And put their swords to the iPhone and their brigades to the networks: War 2.0