the brain

Image: pixabay.

How we link memories to each other and make associations

The brain of primates has an amazing ability to recognize faces. Researchers are now beginning to crack that code. Illustration: Turinboy.

How the brain recognizes faces

"Similar to humans, the ability of bats to place others in space is essential for them." Photo: Brooke Fenton.

Me and the Guys: How the Brain Maps Social Space

Even if they copy our mind they will not be able to duplicate our consciousness. Illustration: pixabay.

Can we be replicated after death?

Prof. Ilan Dinstein. Source: Ben-Gurion University.

Do you think your mind is reliable?

Illustration: pixabay.

Fatal exposure in pregnancy

Illustration: US Food and Drug Administration

People with fatty liver have an "older" brain

Gender differences in the human brain have led to the notion that brains are male or female. Research by Dafna Yoel from Tel Aviv University and her colleagues tells a different story. Illustration: pixabay.

Is there a "female brain"?

Lifestyle changes reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and similar dementias. Illustration: pixabay.

A rare success in the fight against Alzheimer's

How does the brain set limits to memory search? Illustration: pixabay.

How does the brain set limits to memory search?

The drugs available to us today are not effective in treating seizures in about a third of those with epilepsy. What can be done to resolve the situation? Illustration: pixabay.

How to treat the most severe cases of epilepsy

Early diagnosis of autism may improve the chances of success of future treatments. (Illustration: from the article by Hezelt and her colleagues, Nature, issue 542 - 348 | NATURE | VOL 542 | 16 FEBRUARY 2017 LETTERdoi:10.1038/nature21369 Early brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder.

Autism begins many months before symptoms appear

Graphene and gold make brain detectors more efficient. Courtesy: DGIST.

A brain detector composed of graphene and gold

Photo: Dawn.

move according to attention

The left and right lobes of the brain play different roles in processing humor - and to laugh at jokes people need both. staff (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2).

What's funny in a pun?

We all want to remember more than we do. It turns out that there are several methods to train the brain to remember more. Illustration: pixabay.

When one is greater than two

Scientists present a film encoded in DNA. From the study. Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Health/National Institute of Mental Health

Scientists show a film encoded in DNA

Building an entire brain in a lab dish is impossible, but scientists do build cellular tissue that closely resembles the developing embryonic brain. Image:

build a brain in the lab

Diagram showing the new set of findings. The discoveries mark a possible new target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

The cleaning cells of the brain

The migration of nerve cells in the brain of mouse embryos: under normal conditions, many cells (white dots) migrate to the upper layer of the cerebral cortex (three pictures on the left), but in the absence of the 3C protein, the cells remain scattered along the migration path (three pictures on the right). Photographed using a confocal microscope. Source: Weizmann Institute magazine.

Dual agents: Immune system proteins help brain development

Mouse brain viewed from above: nerve extensions connect the two amygdalae (the two brightest areas, on both sides of the brain) and the cerebral cortex (the upper part). Source: from the study.

to illuminate the trauma in a new light

A general view of nerve fibers stretching from cells in the forebrain of a mouse demonstrates the advantages of the hydrogel method that allows researchers to follow the complex neural wiring. Source: Dysroth Laboratory, Stanford University.

A look into the transparent mind

Zebrafish brain imaging results. Left: Optical fluorescence microscopy imaging provides only a blurred image limited to the surface. Right: The optoacoustic FONT approach, on the other hand, provides a high-resolution XNUMXD image and detailed information on the activity of the neurons (orange dots) in real time, all over the brain. Photo: Helmholtz Center, Munich.

A window to the depths of the mind

Fusion of images by a neural network combining content (the researchers' original image) and style (taken from a drawing of sweets). According to Prof. Elad, "the network is looking for a result that will be faithful to these two sources". Source: Technion spokesmen.

open the box

Zebra fish. Photo: Marrabbio2, Wikimedia.

social switch

Simulation of astronauts on Mars, according to SpaceX's vision to colonize the planet. Source: SpaceX.

Twenty big questions about the future of humanity

mother and baby FROM PIXABAY.COM.

"The Chemistry of Mother's Love"

Scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles - UCLA discovered that dendrites (shown here in green) are not just passive conduits for electrical currents between nerve cells. Photo: Shelley Halpain / UC San Diego

The brain is 10 times more active than previously thought

Brain slice of a genetically modified mouse. Neurons that express the CRFR1 receptor appear in green, and neurons that express the neurotransmitter CRF appear in red. The image was taken with a fluorescence microscope. Source: from the article.

Law of conservation of pressure

Common fruit bat. Weizmann Institute scientists report on a new type of neurons discovered in the bat brain. These neurons encode the direction and distance to the target to which the bat navigates and in this way they constitute a direct neural mechanism for navigating to targets. Source: Oren Pels, Derivative work: User:MathKnight, Wikimedia.

How the brain encodes the "destination point" that you want to reach

Imaging the lobes of the human brain. Source: Wikimedia / Allan Ajifo.

Viruses invade the brain

Development of the nervous system in the fetus

Anger Management

Neurons in XNUMXD. Illustration: shutterstock

The neurons in the brain are much more diverse than we thought

Cryogenics. Illustration: shutterstock

The afterlife of the atheists or whether the brain can be preserved after death

sense of hearing. Illustration: shutterstock

Hidden hearing loss

Ideas that will change the world: machines controlled by the eyes