Hayadan > the antartics bers
the antartics bers
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
Special for Polar Bear Day: American researchers have discovered the reason why polar bears walk without difficulty on ice and snow surfaces that would cause each and every one of us to slip - microscopic bumps that line the
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
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- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
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- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
- 2 תגובות
- Avi Blizovsky
- 7 תגובות
- Dr. Asaf Rosenthal
- 7 תגובות
- Dr. Asaf Rosenthal
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- Avi Blizovsky
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- Yoram Mizrachi
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- Avi Blizovsky
- One response
- The science service
- One response
- The science service
- One response
- The science service
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- The science service
- One response