solar cells

Nano gold sheets. Illustration:

What are the heat dimensions of nanometric gold?

Innovative research on thin gold layers has revealed new photoluminescence behavior while advancing our understanding of measuring temperature as well as chemical reactions at the nanometer level
The solar cell based on the flexible form could be used in applications where more expensive solar cells are currently used [source: Liu et al, Nature 2023]

Silicon flexible solar cells

Researchers have demonstrated an innovative method for producing flexible silicon solar cells that are twenty-four percent more efficient than the cells known today and can still be rolled like a sheet of paper * The findings could allow the use
Microcrystals formed through self-healing repaired a completely destroyed area within a halide perovskite crystal. Courtesy of the Weizmann Institute.

Solar materials capable of repairing themselves

Hongrui Jiang, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in his lab. Photo: Stephanie Precourt

Tiny solar cells could power personal devices

Perovskite crystal. Photo: Shutterstock

The shining successor of silicon

Diagram of a "solar flow cell" depicting a configuration of three electrodes: (1) lithium anode electrode, (2) counter electrode (CE), (3) and photoelectrode (PE). Current moves through a liquid in the battery called electrolyte. [Courtesy: Yiying Wu, The Ohio State University]

One device that is both a battery and a solar cell

An electron microscope image from a previous study showing the nanoscale ridges that make up the surface of black silicon used in the production of solar cells. [Courtesy of Barron Group/Rice University]

An efficient method for producing solar cells

solar cells. Illustration: shutterstock

Cheap and highly efficient solar cells

Nano Electronics. Photo: shutterstock

Electronic nano-components as a basis for renewable energy

The state-of-the-art structure - nanocubes of silver metal scattered over a thin layer of gold. [Courtesy of the journal Nature].

Silver nanocubes for the development of solar cells

Feidong Yang, a chemist from the Department of Materials Science at the Lorenz National Laboratory in Berkeley

A cheap method for producing solar cells from nanowires

A team of researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK who discovered a way to produce organic solar cells

Gold electrodes for organic solar cells

The basis of the artificial skin is a flexible organic transistor composed of flexible polymers and carbon-based materials.

Stretchable solar cells

Stacey Bent, professor of chemical engineering, holds a quantum dot-based solar cell

A new method for making cheaper and more efficient solar cells

A forest of molecules holds the promise of turning excess heat into electricity

Conversion of heat losses to electrical energy

The photoelectrochemical cell built to prove the concept

A self-repairing photovoltaic cell

This filament, which contains about 30 million carbon nanotubes, absorbs photon energy from the sun and then emits it as less energetic photons.

An innovative antenna for receiving energy from the sun

David Reeder with a plastic solar cell

Extending the lifetime of plastic-based solar cells

A poly solar cell. Published on Wikimedia under the GNU license

Three new technologies guarantee efficient and cheap solar cells

Jean Seidel and Seung Yeol Young, Lawrence-Berkeley National Institute

A new method for utilizing solar energy

Solar cells

A breakthrough in the field of hybrid solar cells