Hayadan > oxygen
- Weizmann Institute
- Avi Blizovsky
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The researchers examined the relationship between sediment mixing caused, in part, by burrowing worms with a mineral called pyrite, which plays a key role in oxygen accumulation. As more pyrite is formed and buried under the mud, sand or
- The Hebrew University
- 3 תגובות
Hebrew University researchers have revealed new findings regarding the connection between the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans on Earth, and the development of complex life. The study indicates that the rise of oxygen occurred after the development of life
- Avi Blizovsky
- 2 תגובות
NASA's Juno spacecraft directly measured charged molecules of oxygen and hydrogen from the atmosphere of Europa, one of Jupiter's largest moons. According to new research by scientists at SwRI and Princeton, these observations provided
- Avi Blizovsky
- 3 תגובות
The vehicle discovered a wide variety of heavy elements, but this is the first evidence of the presence of sulfur * The rover will tour the south pole of the moon for two weeks and look for signs of water ice
- amcohen
By tracing the evolution of proteins, Weizmann Institute of Science scientists have charted the history of oxygen availability on Earth and solved a long-standing scientific puzzle
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 8 תגובות
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 2 תגובות
- Weizmann Institute
- One response
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 4 תגובות
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- 2 תגובות
- Avi Blizovsky
- 5 תגובות
- Scientific American Israel
- 3 תגובות
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
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- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
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- Avi Blizovsky
- 13 תגובות
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
- 38 תגובות
- Lotem Eliyahu
- 22 תגובות
- Dr. Moshe Nahamani
- No comments
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
- 33 תגובות