TGO took this image on November 3, 2023. At its center is Cerberus Fossae (163.07°E, 9.25°N) Credit: ESA

Meteor collides with Mars: Seismic waves shake the Red Planet

TGO image from November 3, 2023 reveals impact effects in Cerberus Fossae region, deepening understanding of Martian tremors and seismic effects
Near-Earth asteroid. Illustration:

Asteroid 2024 YR4: Chances of collision with Earth doubled to 2.3% in 2032

NASA and international scientists are monitoring new data to determine the risk of a collision and potential impacts. Since it is a short-range event, actions to deal with it have already begun. Among other things, China has launched a campaign to recruit experts for the "protection" team.
Quasar J0742+2704 (center) became a topic of interest for astronomers in 2020 after it was discovered to have a new jet emanating from the disk around its supermassive black hole. The discovery was made using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) radio observatory. Follow-up observations were subsequently made with other observatories, with the aim of determining the properties of the galaxy and understanding what might have powered the jet. **Credit:** NASA, ESA, Kristina Nyland (US Naval Research Laboratory); Image processing: Joseph DePascala (STScI).

Hubble's Spiral Surprise: Quasar Discovery That Disproves Theories

The Hubble Space Telescope has revealed a quasar inhabiting a spiral galaxy – a surprising discovery that challenges existing understanding of the structure of quasars and the origin of their jets of matter.
A spiral galaxy with a bright core, new star arms, and surrounding cosmic structures.

Hubble photographed the explosion of a star 650 million light years away

The Hubble Telescope records a Type Ia supernova explosion in the galaxy LEDA 22057, 650 million light-years away, with new insights into the evolution of white dwarfs
This image taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope shows Comet Anka moving through its debris orbit. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Minnesota

What is the level of risk from the "doomsday" asteroid swarm?

A new study shows that the Taurid swarm contains fewer large asteroids than predicted, so the risk level from it is lower.
This image taken by Webb shows an ancient quasar (in the red circle) with fewer neighboring galaxies than expected. Credit: Christina Eilers/EIGER team

The Webb Space Telescope discovers quasars where they shouldn't exist

Astronomers have used the Web to discover individual ancient quasars of uncertain origin
The Webb telescope, seen in the lower right corner of this figure, was used to verify the presence of mummified minerals on the surface of the asteroid Psyche. Credit: Southwest Research Institute

The Webb telescope reveals water compounds in asteroid Psyche

The observations will help analyze data from NASA's Psyche spacecraft on its way to this interesting asteroid that orbits the Sun in the main asteroid belt - between Mars and Jupiter
This "penguin party" is loud. The twisted spiral galaxy in the center, known as the Penguin, and the compact elliptical galaxy to the left, known as the Egg, are in an active embrace. A new near- and mid-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope, taken to mark two years of scientific activity, shows that their interaction is marked by a subtle, inverted U-shaped blue glow. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI

The Penguin and the Egg: A Living Portrait of Interacting Galaxies to Mark the Second Anniversary of the Webb Space Telescope

Researchers speculate that the penguin had the shape of a spiral. Today, its galactic center shines like an eye, its disordered arms now shaping as a beak, head, spine, and spread tail. The elliptical galaxy that looks like
Hubble's Advanced Surveying Camera captured this detailed image of the galaxy NGC 5253 using its High Resolution Channel, which operated between 2002 and 2007. The image highlights the active star formation regions of the galaxy. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, WD Vacca

Star show: Hubble's rare glimpse of star formation at the core of a distant galaxy

Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys captured this detailed image of the galaxy NGC 5253, highlighting regions of active star formation at the core of a distant galaxy.
These images of the Andromeda Galaxy use data from Spitzer. Multiple wavelengths are shown in the top image, revealing stars, dust, and regions of star formation. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA's Spitzer reveals the eating habits of Andromeda's supermassive black hole

In images from the decommissioned Spitzer Space Telescope, streams of dust thousands of light-years long flow toward the supermassive black hole at the center of the Andromeda Galaxy. It turns out that these currents can explain how black holes shut down
The 360-meter-diameter asteroid Apophis will come very close to Earth on April 13, 2029. Credit: Jonathan Mennell / via Eyes on the Solar System, NASA/JPL

Approaching an asteroid: Exploring Apophis using advanced minisatellites

German researchers and the German Space Agency will try three strategies for the study of the asteroid that will approach in 2029 to a distance of 31 thousand km from the Earth
NGC 5468 — the host galaxy of Cepheid. Joint photograph of the Webb and Hubble Space Telescopes, NASA/ESA

The Webb and Hubble telescopes confirm the rate of expansion of the universe, the puzzle remains

Webb's measurements provide new light on a decade-long mystery known as the Hubble stress - the differences in the age of the universe between the Hubble observations and past observations that remain unexplained * Prof. Adam Rees, winner
An image of Jupiter taken by Juno in 2019, showing storm zones in the northern hemisphere. Credit: Enhanced image by Kevin M. Gill (CC-BY) based on images provided courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS

Extrasolar Planet Hunter Targets Jupiter: A New Twist in the Space Exploration Plot

For the first time, NASA activated a tool designed to discover planets many light years away on an object in the solar system, in a study of the winds of Jupiter
The galaxy AM 1054-325 has been warped from a normal pancake-like spiral shape into an S shape by the gravitational pull of a neighboring galaxy, as seen in this Hubble Space Telescope image. As a result, new star clusters were formed along a tidal tail stretched over thousands of light years, resembling a string of pearls. Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Jayanne English (University of Manitoba)

Hubble discovers how collisions between galaxies create conditions for star formation

The discovery of an S-shaped galaxy could revolutionize the understanding of the process of star formation
space Research. The image was produced using artificial intelligence software. Definitions: Avi Blizovsky

Is Israel becoming a Spice Nation?

How does Israel integrate into the wave of deep technologies in space and on the ground? Towards a space stack
The Israeli space telescope Ultrasat. Screenshot from a video by Prof. Eli Waxman, Weizmann Institute

NASA will launch the first Israeli space telescope ULTRASAT

The space telescope, a flagship project of the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Space Agency, will be launched in 2026 and is expected to revolutionize space exploration