drug transfer

The macrocyclic compound P6AS can trap a variety of drugs that can cause overdose, including opioids, hallucinogens and stimulants, thanks to a hydrophobic internal niche. [Courtesy: © Brockett et al., Chem 9, 1–20 April 13, 2022 Elsevier Inc]

A molecular trap capable of trapping drugs after overdoses

An innovative macroring material can trap a variety of drugs in overdose cases, including opioids, hallucinogens and stimulants, thanks to its hydrophobic niche
Artist's rendering of a macroring binding to a target protein (image courtesy: University of Basel, Basilius Sauter | CC BY-SA 3.0)

Learning from nature - new substances for use as medicines

In the figure: three possible strategies for building balls from pentagonal tiles. From left to right: a - tiles that are glued to each other directly, b - tiles that are connected using linear connectors, c - tiles that are connected using triangular connectors. Prof. Ehud Kinan and Dr. Efrat Solel. The Technion

The artificial virus

In the picture are two views (front and back) of lung imaging of a mouse affected by fibrosis (areas painted in gray), before and after receiving nano-treatment directly to the diseased cells.

A nanocarrier for targeting drugs to damaged cells

Chemotherapy. Illustration: shutterstock

Graphene aids chemotherapy

Illustration of different microstructures that can be coated with active compounds. (Figure: Peters C et al. Advanced Functional Materials 2014)

Microstructures for transporting substances within the body

Monoclonal antibodies to cancer

Drugs delivered to cancer cells using antibodies

blood-brain barrier. Illustration: shutterstock

Hacking the way to the brain / Janine Interlandi

Prof. Dan Farr, Tel Aviv University. Photo courtesy of him.

five year Plan

Prof. Itai Benhar, Tel Aviv University


An example of a micelle used to deliver a drug. The blue atoms are the hydrophilic end of the polymer, while the white atoms are the hydrophobic end. The red atoms symbolize the drug/active substance atoms. Such a system can also be used to transfer food materials and various additives, apart from medicines. [Source: www.atrp.gatech.edu/pt18-3/18-3_p3]

Novel nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery

The figure shows an array of nanops micropyramids (right, 150x magnification) and a single microneedle (left, 750x magnification). These needles are sharp and stable enough to penetrate through the human skin layer almost completely painlessly.

An innovative needle system from the "Nanops" company

A polymeric nicotine trap consists of a porphyrin derivative (black) in which two amide groups (green) are attached to a zinc atom (purple) located in the center of a ring (blue). The nicotine molecule is colored red. The bottom image is a XNUMXD rendering of the polymer.

Nicotine capture polymers

The netilmicin compound (from Wikipedia).

A new method for finding new drugs

The integrated device: (A) – light projection system; (B) – imaging system; (C) – system for delivering the drug.

A new device for the precise transfer of drugs

Distribution of drugs in the body using nanoparticles. Image: University of Copenhagen

Drug release using nanoparticles

Improved chemotherapy method

drug molecule. Illustration: Beth University in the UK

Dogs that release drugs while moving

Trifluoromethyl is attached to a benzene ring (the hydrogen atoms attached to the ring are not shown)

A novel synthesis method for pharmaceuticals

Tensegrity built with rods and strips

Nanodevices that move and change their shape on demand

hydrogen sulfide

Poisonous gas saves lives

LCD monitors no longer die in vain

Waste from LCD TVs to prevent bacterial infections

Dr. Adrian Fox. Photo: Erica Fish, University of Queensland

Gold nanoparticles to enrich everyday products

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

DNA for the purification of carbon nanotubes

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Drug delivery using nanotechnology

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Easier production of drugs using a new biosensor

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

Nanobombs to fight cancer/Galileo

Cosmic scene with DNA, stars, solvents and atomic circles in oral flow.

A tiny ball with a medicine inside