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The gases that cover 55 Cancri e bubble from its interior. The primordial atmosphere has long since disappeared due to the high temperature and intense radiation from the star
The researchers examined the relationship between sediment mixing caused, in part, by burrowing worms with a mineral called pyrite, which plays a key role in oxygen accumulation. As more pyrite is formed and buried under the mud, sand or
An international study with the participation of Tel Aviv University states: Global warming leads to lightning storms in the North Pole, which further accelerate the process of melting the ice - in a cycle of repeated feeding
Hebrew University researchers have revealed new findings regarding the connection between the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans on Earth, and the development of complex life. The study indicates that the rise of oxygen occurred after the development of life
"The planet is completely covered in a kind of layer of fog or clouds," said Eliza Kempton, a researcher at the University of Maryland and lead author of a new paper on the planet published in Nature. "The atmosphere just remained completely hidden
A blue-and-white device that was created especially for an experiment by Weizmann Institute of Science scientists was launched to the planet Jupiter, as part of an international research mission of the European Space Agency
The launch at Coro in French Guiana was postponed from yesterday due to weather conditions * The spacecraft is carrying ten instruments, some of which are also made in Israel * Will arrive in the Zedek system in July 2031
The Webb Space Telescope photographed in detail 11 of the rings surrounding Uranus-Uron
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